5|| The Prince of the End

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"So you're saying, I'm a prince?"

Ranboo asked from the bathroom, staring at his reflection on the mirror that showed his half colored skin, one side obsidian-like and the other was ghostly white. 

But what caught most of his attention was the light green and blood-red eyes he had, his hand reaching up to the red-eye before his fingers cautiously traced the grey freckles on his cheeks that started at his cheeks and stopped before it touched his ear.

It was him, but at the same time not. To be specific, it was his minecraft skin that he's staring at. Elf like ears studded in gold hoops and ear cuffs with chains hanging as it connects two different bonds.

From outside the purple-tinted windows, he can see endermen in normal clothes walking and running past the pale yellow bridge that attached one building to another. He noticed some kids carrying cardboard raven black dragons around.

Everything felt wrong but at the same time, felt normal and it was driving him crazy.

"Yes, my prince" The suited enderman answers from the bedroom, standing straight in the middle of the room which Ranboo found somewhat funny.

A sophisticated person surrounded in a mess of a room looked hilarious to him.

"Ple-please don't call me that"

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Asked the butler, voice impassive.

Ranboo walked out of the restroom and headed straight to his bed to sit at the edge of it, crossing his arms as he stared at the black rug the butler was standing on, hands unconsciously rubbing his elbows as he chewed on his lips.

How did this happen?

"Ye-yeah... Ca-can I get water to drink?"

Silence fell into the room as the butler raised an eyebrow at the prince who's having a silent mental breakdown. The enderman waited until realization hit Ranboo, who looked up at the other person in the room with an apologetic look.

"...We can't drink water, it hurts us" The butler explains as the prince lets out a groan of embarrassment.

The enderman then reaches inside his breast pockets to pull out a lollipop, wrapped in a golden wrapper.

"I, however, brought lollipops with me at all times," He said as he approached the teenager with the candy in hand. "It might help with the nerves." 

Ranboo looked up and stared at the sweet for a brief moment before hesitantly taking it from him. He knows what happened with Jack and Jill when they took candies from the witch.

 He refuses to die inside a cauldron.

"It's made by our royal chefs with chorus fruit and honey from the overworld." The enderman informs as Ranboo unwraps the candy before putting it in his mouth. 

The sweet flavor immediately welcomes him, exploding in his mouth as soon as his tongue touches it. The familiar taste of dragon fruit bursting inside his mouth.

"What's your name?" Asked Ranboo. 

If he's staying in this world, might as well he find out who he is.

"You can call me Ziever, my pri-- Ranboo" The butler corrects himself.

The enderman then moved towards the wide-open entrance on the opposite side of the restroom, stepping in briefly to open the lights. Ziever walked out later and approached the main door that leads to the outside, pulling it open before he turned to the royal and spoke:

"You should change into your robes, the commencement will be starting in an hour."

Once the door shut, the butler's words finally sank into Ranboo's head. He shot up to his feet, rushing towards the room Ziever just left to see a minimalistic walk-in closet with a small cushion in the middle, above it rests a black tailcoat that reached to his ankles, a white button-up underneath an emerald green vest with gold buttons, striped pants and black boots.

But further away from the door lay the shiny golden crown laid a red pillow at the end of the room, it was carried by the purple pillar. 

Ranboo approached the accessory with awe as the crystals embedded on it shone under the light in the room, it was indeed the real thing, unlike the one he used for cosplaying his character on TikTok. 

It was beautiful, his hands itches to touch the gems as if hypnotized, vulnerable to pretty things until his eyes landed on a peculiar jewelry embedded into the golden circlet.

It was an ender eye, placed in the middle. He thought it was fitting, a representation of his new identity. After all, he's now the Prince of The End.

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