45|| Tower of Knowledge

453 27 18

Phil let the scrolls in his arms drop to the table with a loud 'bang!', startling half of the people in the huge room for strategies and plans for the future of the Cogchamp.

"According to these scrolls that Y/N and I translated," He parted open the scroll to reveal lines of foreign letters written in a slanted line. "There are a lot of Monuments but I think we should focus on two of them, Sky Castle and the Bajan and the Bacca."

"What do we gain from them?" Asked Skeppy, leaning forward, interested.

"Power, weapons, precious gems and more," Schlatt's hand rose to the air at Phil's answer.

"Power? Like, singular?"

"Yes, and it's found in the Sky Castle."

"What kind?" Schlatt continues, leaning on his chair with his arms crossed.

"Just the type for you."

Schlatt started to laugh boisterously before slapping a hand flat on the table. "Jeez man, what would your wife say?"

"Schlatt, shut the hell up."

"Ok but seriously, how?"

"It will grant you the 'business man' power, which is a power that makes you 'hire' a portion of people to do things for you." Phil reads out from the scroll on the table, Schlatt brightened up, grin blinding as he fixed his blazer.

"Yeah, it sounds like something I'll enjoy."

"Then that's settled," Said Puffy, clasping her hands as she rose to her feet, leaning on the table with both hands before turning her head to Phil sat at the end of the long table.

"Who's going with him? Did the scroll say anything about what the monument holds?"

"Nothing but it did say that there should be no loud noises so the workers won't be disturbed."

"My power is silent." Eret chimes in as soon as she raises his hand. "Puffy's domain thing can also work." She added making said lady's eyes to shimmer.

"Bring me into the battlefield, I'm done babysitting adults everyday!"

Phil laughed, "Ok, anyone wants to join them?" and when nobody spoke up, he rolled up the parchment to pass the item to Puffy, the nearest member of the Sky Castle team.

Unravelling another scroll, he turned to the group once more. "Temple of Knowledge, we need someone smart to take on the questions and escapists."

"That's me, immediately." Dream butts in as he raises his hand up. "The escapist, smart applies as well."

"Anyone wanna team up with Dream?"

Bad raised his hand. "I suggest Karl and Sapnap, because one controls time and one can fly."

"No offence but I think that's a horrible idea," Fundy comments, attracting everyone's questioning stare but the answer never came.

"Poor gogy..." Tubbo mumbled, hearing this, Puffy slammed her palm on the table, startling the teen as she shouts.

"Let gogy join the group!"

"Alright so, Dream, Sapnap, George and Karl?" Phil looked around the table for any defiance, turning to the time traveler when he found none.



The sharp swish! of the wind that passed by his face abruptly grounds him. He was standing at the entrance of the overgrown tunnel made of stone bricks, no doubt the passage into the tower they've been looking around for days now.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 || Karl Jacobs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now