50 || Unexpected Events

400 23 15

I didn't even notice the amount of weeks has passed good lord. The end is near, enjoy!



Sam confidently told his friends that he could handle Techno, an unhinged character with a mystical weapon, sharp senses and amazing fighting skills he cultivated during his years in the realm.

Like they said, fake it until you make it.

His cough shook his body as the tinge of iron passed his tongue, crimson stained the dirt beneath him as he held his side tight, petrified why the poison the man had added into his axes.

Was he gonna get his second life revoked now?

"Come on, stand up! Are you seriously giving up now?"

Sam snickered, the pain was overwhelming his senses but he gotta hold on, Phil's crows might spot him and lead Puffy to him. His vision starts to fade in and out as a loud ringing echoes in his ears.

Fuck, he's running out of time, where is Puffy?

"Don't worry, I'll end your pain now."

Tremors racked Sam's back as his breath got stopped in his tightening throat but he still couldn't move, he closed his eyes in defeat as he waited for the blade to slice his neck.

With his impending second death, he silently wished for a miracle.

But the blade never came.

Instead, he felt sweaty palms on his shoulders that ushered him to lay down. Cracking his eyes open, the blur of a figure with pink hair seems shorter now and had a cleaner face, not a single drop of blood on their skin.

"Sam... hear...?"

The voice sounds similar to Niki, his eyebrows furrowed as she placed her hand on his forehead, before he could even ask her what happened, he blacked out from her spell.

On the battlefield, Ponk materialized in front of Techno, narrowly dodging the axe that he swung. The ability to switch places that the pair of items from the monument granted them proved itself extremely useful in the battlefield.

Taking a swift glance at his screen that his wristband projected, the heavy feeling on his chest lightened up at the sight of Sam's health regenerating.

The sun nerfed him but he can probably hold his ground long enough for Puffy to trap him inside the domain.

"Ponk! Where's Sam?" Puffy inquires as she pauses beside the ninja.

"He's with Niki, I'll help you instead."

"He really meant it when he said Phil had problems pairing me with someone huh?" Techno muses with a proud smile as he takes a bite from the glimmering golden apple he took from his inventory.

"Is it possible for you to somehow get the voices to front?" Ponk whispered to Puffy who shrugged.

"I don't know, but all I need is to project his deepest desire."

"For a second, I thought you were a demon." Ponk jokingly said making Puffy snicker.

With that, Ponk switches to his sword and pulled out his shield, munching quickly on the golden apple before charging straight into Techno waited for his attack.

The pink-haired dodged the weapon before swinging his own, which Ponk deflected and dodged. Pointed ears twitching as he spun around just in time for Puffy's assault, his crossed axes stopping the netherite sword from damaging him.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 || Karl Jacobs x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें