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He's quirkless ?! Midoriya thought. He remembered his days back in middle school. All those torturous memories, and a big part of it was the very boy standing beside Todoroki, who was standing beside him. Yes, It's none other than Bakugou Katsuki. Who would've thought. It almost made him feel guilty. He inherited one for all when he was quirkless. He knew exactly the feeling the quirkless had to go through. He's never even met any fellow quirkless people. His stomach dropped. He felt so useless. Unhelpful. There are people suffering like he did. But look at him now, with none other than All Might's quirk, living the life of a normal student of UA's hero course. 

Bakugou also looked stunned. He wasn't an idiot with memory loss, he knew what he did to Midoriya. He knew he hurt the freckled boy badly in the past. The blonde regretted it badly, but he would never say it to the greenie's face. He knew people like his middle school self existed. People who didn't have a change of heart like he did. But then again, he couldn't just assume every quirkless person has the same type of life..... right?

As for Todoroki, he was shocked. He never met a quirkless person in his life, and all of his despair, childhood until now, was all caused by his quirk. He didn't know what the quirkless go through, so let's just say he was a bit jealous of this boy he has just seen. 

"Alright! Killua, here are the three first years you will be sparring against. We will let you use guns with rubber bullets and some knives," the principal piped up. Bakugou was so deep in thought, he didn't even make a snarky remark. KIllua's mood changed directly when the principal spoke. He had a poker face and had laid back posture, as if he was against some 5 year old weaklings. 

Killua knew he couldn't go underestimating his opponents. After all, that's exactly how he defeated many opponents in his past. Bakugou was pissed, and even that was quite an understatement. This 14 year old boy, this quirkless 14 year old boy is looking at them like they're some dust on the ground. Bakugou didn't speak, however, and just glared at the boy. This made Izuku fidgety and Shoto rose an eyebrow. Bakugou was definitely not acting like himself. This is totally not Bakugou at all. Knowing him, the two were pretty sure their explosive friend would bombard swears all over and throw a fit. But that's not what happened. Bakugou just.. he just glared. And to anyone who knows Bakugou, that means a lot.

"Alright then, any rules?" Killua asked. He knew he shouldn't reveal all his cards here, he can't have them think he's a threat. Not that he would care, but that would just mean that they'd probably treat him like a villian. And come on, he was in a whole new world (insert aladdin song lmao) where he could start fresh. No one knew who he was, his origins, and he could even at least try to have a normal life, one that he was dreaming about since he was three. 

So he decided he would use the weapons, and half his strength. No hand sharpening, no nen. No murder. That would make him be at least able to land a few hits on them, so no one would underestimate him, especially since he's quirkless. He's almost positive the mouse looking principal meant more to it than just to 'test' his knowledge on weaponry or to see how much of a threat he is. He doesn't know what it is, and he might be wrong. Its a hunch, but then again, Killua's hunches are never wrong. 

The first person Killua was facing was Bakugou. He took the rubber bullets and loaded them into his gun. He put it in his hip holster and held three daggers. When Aizawa gave them the go, Bakugou launched himself at Killua, palms sparkling from explosions. Then it happened. 

Killua disappeared. 

Bagugou came to a halt, standing where Killua was just one second ago, wondering where he went. Bakugou was cautious, and he sensed Killlua behind him. How the pale boy got there, he didn't know. What he did know, is that he was there. The explosive blonde threw another explosion the boy's way, but Killua dodged it like it was nothing. He took his gun and shot Bakugou in the kneecap, making the blonde kneel over. The blonde groans but shoots another blast at the boy, who disappears, again. 

This time, Killua appeared right behind Bakugou and did his famous hand chop back at havens arena. Bakugou's vision got hazy, but he wouldn't go down that easily. With a grunt, he got on his feet and blasted another one at Killua, who jumped out of the way easily. 'Just how agile is this kid?' the blonde wondered. amongst the smoke from the explosions, a dagger came rushing at Bakugou's right arm, and it landed there. Bakugou doubled over, hand on his wounded arm. That's when Killua appeared behind him, without even using hatsu, and kicked behind Bakugou's left knee. The explosive teen face planted on the ground and the smoke dispersed.



another update woohoo

I'm honestly surprised with how much attention this fic is getting

so thanks for that :))

- van.

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