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Training for the festival is no easy feat, not for Hitoshi, at least. Three months total months of literal blood, sweat, and tears. His body ached everywhere, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't worth it. Hitoshi became rather fit and good at combat, though not even close to Killua's level. Though, the pale haired teen did say that Hitoshi could now hold up a fight if it came down to it. It's a huge upgrade, you know, from utterly hopeless to a bit below average. And, it was in Killua's book! So that means Hitoshi is far from bad at this whole thing. 

Killua did know he went kinda harsh on his purple haired friend, but hey, it turned out well and now Killua is taking it much, much easier on him. Hitoshi could probably take out a few buff men back from his original world (ones that didn't use nen, obviously.) after a few punches, so he'd say the insomniac is good to go for the sports festival. 

Hitoshi feels absolutely horrible, and no amount of coffee has helped him enough for the past 3 months of this godforsaken training schedule, but hey he wasn't complaining. Every hit he manages to land on Killua (which he knows his pale haired friend was going easy on him) felt like an achievement worth to be in history books. 


"Wuaaaghh! I'm so nervous!" "Really? I'm excited for the most part" "I'm gonna impress everyone!" "I'm sure everyone will be looking at moi". The class babbled about as they were about to be broadcasted on live TV for all of Japan to see. They were about to start the introductions, and a most of Killua's peers were looking excited and nervous. Obviously, the pale haired boy has wasn't nervous, but he did feel excited because he knew Hitoshi would do great. Killua was trying not to be seen by most people, but get into at least the first round of the finals, so he wasn't considered a threat, but wasn't looked down upon. Not like he was looked down on to begin with, but that was his whole point now, wasn't it? 

But that didn't matter, not when Killua's friend so desperately needed to get in the hero course. Of course, the pale haired teen did help train him, albeit brutally. But he did leave it easy for the last three days or so, just to relieve the aches in his friend's body. Aches wouldn't help at all for the sports festival, and both teens didn't want all this effort to be futile. Honestly, Hitoshi's skill currently could rival a nenless Knuckle, and that was saying a lot. Hitoshi wasn't ripped, but he was fit enough to do so. Honestly Killua thinks Hitoshi is now stronger than half his classmates. Oh, and obviously, quirk training was undergone by the purple haired teen. Killua had so graciously allowed Hitoshi to brainwash him multiple times for training, to the purple haired teen's surprise. Killua didn't have a quirk nor did he understand it for the most part, seeing as it's completely different from nen. But somehow Hitoshi's training (which involved trying to get a hold on Killua's conscience for longer and longer) helped his quirk a lot. Killua would help Hitoshi in the ways he could, and if that meant eliminating competition for his sake, then he would, even if it got some attention focused on him. What? He wasn't just gonna let his friend have a lower chance of winning because he didn't want attention. Besides, this was for Hitoshi's life for like, forever. Killua didn't even know how long he'd stay in this dimension. 

And now his purple haired friend was in another tunnel, a nervous wreck and definitely in the need of some good comforting, but Killua would do that later, once he got the chance. The pale haired teen glanced over to see a very fidgety Midoriya, and raised a brow. "Nervous?" The freckled boy squeaked, jumping a few feet into the air and snapping his head towards Killua. yikes. "Huh? Oh! Um," he grinned sheepishly, "Yeah, it's our first sports festival, after all. I really need to make a good impression and All Might will be watching. Oh god, All Might will be watching. Wait, no. Everyone will be watching. Oh no, what do I do?! I mean, I did do training but what if I like, trip or something? Oh god, that would be so embarrasi-" he got cut off before he could mumble further. "Relax, you'll do fine, greenie. You got some skills, you know," Killua reassured him, flashing a grin at his green haired friend. Yes, he did consider his classmates as friends. They weren't hostile towards him, well, everyone except a certain explosive boy. But even Bakugou wasn't insufferable. Actually, Killua doesn't find the hostile teen annoying at all, which is pretty weird, all things considered. 

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