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The rest of the day went by quickly. Killua shooting texts here and there with Hitoshi, and getting tons of notifications from the class group chat. How they got his number is a mystery, but Killua would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy classmates' chaotic energy. The pale teen was alone throughout the night, as his teacher/guardian was hospitalized, which means that he doesn't have to wake up super early thanks to a certain pro hero having to come in early as a teacher. 


Arriving at school much later than usual, the pale haired boy swung his class doors open, walking over to his desk near the back of the class. He waved at a few of his classmates that greeted him, and nodded to others. Plopping down on his seat, he listened in on the conversations surrounding him. "Aaah! Yesterday was quite the shock, wasn't it?" Kaminari whined. "Yeah, I can't believe both Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen got injured that badly," Sero replied, wincing. "Do you think Mr. Aizawa will come in today?" "I don't know, man. He was pretty beat up yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if he needed this week off."

"Hey Killua, may I ask of your shoulder's condition?" Iida asked, snapping Killua out of his listening in session. The pale haired boy turned to see his class president, with a fidgety Midoriya behing him. Oh, that's right, he might still be taken aback by yesterday's revelations. "It's all good, see?" Killua said, flexing said shoulder, putting up his facade again. It's not actually 'all good', he was fine, yes. But it did hurt. A lot. Not that he would ever admit that, though. Besides, both the pale haired teen and his green friend back from his world always did have crazy fast recoveries. Iida was still unsure, but he nodded anyway, "That's good to know. Be careful with it, okay?" Killua agreed and nodded, flashing a smile. 

The doors of class 1A swung open once again, revealing a mummy- wait, no. That's Mr. Aizawa, completely covered in bandages. As his classmates shrieked on top of their lungs, asking the pro-hero why he is at school, the pro-hero in question raised his hand, silencing the class. Walking in, he mentioned things about being fine and blablabla, Killua wasn't paying attention, opting to stare out the window at who knows what. The pale haired boy snapped back to reality when Mr. Aizawa started actually talking about the lesson, "Today we will be choosing hero names. Usually they don't matter this early on in your hero lives, but if you build up a good reputation in the sports festival you won't be able to backtrack and change it," he explained. A few of his classmates nodded along, and some were just excited to get a hero name. That's when Midnight came in, saying stuff about being careful and about her giving approval for the class' hero names.

While everyone was presenting their hero names, the pale haired boy was thinking about his own hero name. A name like Aizawa's would be terrible, like who want to be called eraserhead? No thank you. The pale haired boy never really thought of a particular hero name, but everyone who was 'scared' of him would use the Zoldyck name. But Killua would never use that name, he absolutely despised them, after all, despite himself. When he saw that Todoroki used his first name as a hero name, that's when Killua thought. 'Oh, right. I can do that. Oh well I'm Killua, then'. So that's how KIllua got his hero name. 


More hero training classes came by, and Killua's hero costume finally came in. He sent them the design since he first entered UA, but it seems like they took their time on it. Not like he's complaining, though. It was a simple assassin-type costume, which is his specialty. It was a tight, long sleeved black top with electric blue linings on the edges and metal plates on the wrists, arms, and a little bit on the chest. There's also matching pants that have a lot of hidden pockets to complete it, with the metal plates on the kneecaps. There was a special holster, too. Filled with daggers, guns, and ammo. It's not that Killua would need them, but the class knows he's quirkless, so he needed them to think that he was a weapon master. Though he is one, so he'd use them quite a bit in this world. Yes, the pale haired boy somehow got a weapon permit from the police, courtesy of Nezu's connections. Oh, and there's also black leather boots where he keeps small daggers in.

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