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Two hours in, and Hitoshi really, really felt like dying. And he wasn't even exaggerating. After begging for a water break, Killua finally agreed on it. "Aaah, you're absolutely ruthless! Is this how you treat you best friend?" Hitoshi asks in a playful manner, a smug smirk on his lips. "Shut up, it wasn;t even hard at all, it wouldn't even pass as normal! All you did was 200 sit-ups and 10 push-ups!" Killua argued, an annoyed expression plastered on his face. "Oh? What do you usually do for training?" Hitoshi asks. "A lot. 20 000 sit-ups, 50 000 push-ups, 10km runs, 3000 punches, 4500 kicks, then I get a break, then I continue with martial arts and assa- I mean, special techniques, oh then torture training to end it up. After that, I'm free to go and get breaks," Killua says looking upwards, recalling what he did on a daily basis. "Come on man, I'm being serious here," Hitoshi says, thinking Killua was fooling around. "Huh? I'm serious! Believe me if you want to, doesn't change facts."

"Wait but if that's the case, what's torture traini-" Once again, Hitoshi got cut off by the training room's doors swinging open, revealing none other than Aizawa. Hitoshi was suspiciously dead silent, and was, vibrating from some emotion- oh, he was.. excited? Maybe Killua's reading this wrong. He's kinda, and not exactly an empath all at the same time. The black haired man cleared his throat, "What are you two doing here? I don't recall giving a permission slip to you, and this is the hero course facility," he said. Hitoshi's shoulders tensed so much Killua could see him vibrating in place. "Well, who needs a permission slip when we can just, I dunno? Go in?" Killua spoke, "Oh, and we're training."

The pro-hero rose a brow, "Training?" "Yeah, for the sports festival," Killua said. Aizawa deadpanned. "We never even announced the date of the sports festival, there's still a lot of time. Besides, we might not even have a sports festival this year because of the USJ incident." Hitoshi finally looked up from the spot of the ground he's been staring at since eraserhead's arrival. His eyes were wide in shock, and Killua knows that he'll have a little reassuring to do for his purple haired friend, so he spoke up, since Hitoshi will definitely not have the guts to say anything, that's a given. "Well, Hitoshi here wants to get in the hero course, and we'll take the chances. Besides, there's nothing to loose," Killua shrugged. Aizawa sighed, "Alright, fine. You can stay here. What training are you two doing?" Aizawa asked, Hitoshi's eyes widened even more, if that was even possible. "Oh I'm good, I'm just training Hito here," Killua says, flashing a shit-eating grin at his purple haired friend, who groaned, taking a sip of his water. 

"I will supervise you both, because you two don't have a permission slip," Aizawa said, leaning against the wall, "Just carry on". Hitoshi was actually horrified at this point, but he hid it well. He hid it so well only Killua could see through it. "Alright, 'Toshi. Let's start sparring now," Killua said, reaching a hand out to help his purple haired friend up. Hitoshi accepted it, of course, and stood up. "So, do you know anything about fighting?" "Nope" "Well, we're gonna be here a while."


Aizawa did not expect to see the interdimensional kid and a GenEd student when he entered the training room to take his extra sleeping bag, but he decided to let the teens continue the training, and even stayed to supervise. Obviously, a nap sounded great. But he wanted to see and know more about the kid who was currently under his custody. What the pro-hero did not expect, was the absolutely brutal training progress that he actually winced for the poor GenEd student. The kid looked tired, disheveled hair and clothes, sweat everywhere, and he looked so, so done. Aizawa didn't even see the whole training they've done, but Killua had been teaching Hitoshi, as Killua called him, to throw punched, kicks, and he even threw the poor kid flying here and there. It was productive training, but brutal. 

After Hitoshi demanded another break due to his poor limbs being unable to feel much of anything anymore, Aizawa spoke up. "Hey kid, don't you think you're going a little too hard on your friend here?" he asked, staring at the pale haired boy. "Too hard? This is way too easy! It's just punches, Aizawa. Punches." the pale haired teen looked at Aizawa, genuinely confused. "Yeah, like 30 ways to throw a punch, and you beat his ass every single time you try to get him to understand." the pro-hero deadpanned. Killua cocked his head, "Isn't that how training works?" he asks, and something in Aizawa clicked. This kid isn't good because he's, well, good, but because he thought this- quite intense training is insignificant. Even the thought of what training this kid's been put through would bring shivers to the iciest person's spine. Now that's new intel to give to the rat-looking principal. 

And so Mr. Aizawa taught Killua how proper training works. 

"But that's exactly what I did?" Killua says in a questioning tone. "I taught him how to do it, tried it with him, used only about a third or so of my real strength," he says. Hitoshi's eyes widen at the conversation. "Wait, that wasn't everything you've got?!" the purple haired boy asked, absolutely shocked. On second thought, could he really be surprised? He just witnessed Killua destroy a whole concrete figure the size of the whole room in one punch. One punch

The pro-hero also seemed shocked at this. So, as all shocked and confused people react, he told the two teens to continue while he goes out of the room, and towards the principal's office.


A whole week passed by, and Hitoshi made a lot of progress considering he started off as the most unathletic person Hitoshi himself knew, but it still didn't satisfy his pale haired trainer one bit. But it wasn't like he was going to do anymore about it. Killua didn't think it was enough, but if even Aizawa thinks he's too harsh, then that's about the limit he can go. He isn't an idiot; he knows he's been trained way more than anyone else and he knows how bad even a third of his raw power is. Hell, that wasn't even a third. Of course he had to lie to Aizawa that it was about a third, but in reality it was about 1/20 or 1/15 of his power, nenless.

To Killua, everything might be better to actually make it 1/10 or 1/5 of his raw power, but he wouldn't want to bring more suffering to his purple haired friend. He just didn't have it in him to do that. Killua sees how in pain Hitoshi was everytime he lands a tiny punch, or counterattack. But what's important is making Hitoshi being able to stand in a fight, or survive for at least a bit, which should already be achieved by now. 

The pale haired boy was sitting on his chair while listening to some music in his headphones during class when the bell rang, signaling the end of school hours. Just as Killua stood up, heading towards the door in a quick manner, he was stopped when literally all his classmates crowded him. Again. Well, save for Bakugou, and most of them were in on this but weren't actually blocking his path. "Wait, Killua," Kirishima called, as if they didn't have the pale haired boy's attention already. "What?" Killua asked, turning to face his red haired classmate. 

"Totally not our business but," Mina started in everyone's stead, "You seem to be rushing every dismissal, what? Got a girlfriend?" she asked, a smug grin on her face and a suggestive eyebrow raise. He got some more smug looks from the others in the class, excluding Bakugou, who was trudging towards the door, heading out of the chaos. "I tried to stop them from prying," Iida said in his confident 'class rep' tone, but continued on, "But I must say we are all pretty curious about this," he finished quietly. "Oh," Killua said, nonchalantly as usual, "I'm training 'Toshi, you know, for the sports festival"

He got a few curious glances, and some of them made their own  little conversations. Though he heard a few 'that's a great idea!' s and 'I should probably start training too'  s. While everyone was chattering away, Killua took the opportunity to slip out of the classroom and speed towards the training room, where his purple haired friend will meet him.


Roughly a month later, Aizawa walks into class, being the last one there as usual, and starts talking yada-yada. Killua wasn't paying much attention. That is, until the mention of the sports festival. Aizawa went on and about explaining things about the sports festival, which would take place in another 2 months. He gave more talk about it being a good chance to get recognition, and other things Killua didn't care much about. So 2 months, huh. Hitoshi will be trained to the bone, and neither will have much regrets. 



hey hey! It took me so so long to make this one sry lol >-<

anyways i might not upload in a while because honestly? idrk what to write rn 

but don't worry i'm not discontinuing the fic  ・゚ *✧・゚ヘ(^_^ヘ)

- van.

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