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"Gotta give it to you, though. That was pretty epic, especially with everyone talking shit about you and all." Hitoshi says as he, Killua, and Mei sit beside each other amidst the audiences, in the general education department's area. Some of the GenEd students congratulated Killua and reassured him about the whole quirkless situation. It's really nice how the GenEd students are so supportive. They even told Killua about how they should have more faith in themselves like Killua did and all before leaving him alone with his two friends. 

"Uh, thanks, I guess," Killua hummed before Mei all but sparkled. "I'm like, so glad you used the Transcended Holster Two Thousand! Do you need any more new babies? I'll whip them up right away!". "Nah, I think I'm good for now. I'll use that yoyo you made for my next fight, probably," Killua said as he and Hitoshi laughed a little at their friend's typical antics. 

"Aww, okay.. Oh! Next fight will be Hitoshi against... Iida, right?" the pink haired girl asked. "Yeah, after Bakugo and Uraraka's fight," Killua nodded before continuing, "I'll be back in a bit, tell me who won later." the pale haired boy says, standing up and turning to the tunnels leading inside, leaving the match between Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami. 

Why did he up and leave?, some may ask. Well, it would take much more than anyone in this world to catch up on that. Or maybe not, given Killua himself hasn't seen every living human in this world, but the metaphor still stands. 

The truth is, Killua remembered the conversation he overheard the guy in the trench coat say to the cat-man. If he recalls correctly, Killua's sure it's about some villian infiltrating the crowds or something when his subconscious senses went tingling. It wasn't bloodlust, and Killua isn't a mind reader. Rather, it was more of gut instincts. Walking down the hall, Killua stopped in his tracks when he heard large footsteps and a yell. "SHOTO!" 

Killua knew he shouldn't be prying into his half-and-half classmate's home life, but Killua couldn't tell why he got such a bad feeling about this. Killua isn't that ignorant; he watches the news in Aizawa's house every day after helping Hitohsi train for the sports festival, he knows of the number 2 hero 'Endeavor' and the fact that he's classmates with his son, Shoto Todoroki. However, Killua also notices how Endeavor is such a brute, that much is obvious in the pale haired boy's eyes. After all, it resembled his father in a way, though not quite. 

Hiding behind one of the pillars around the corner, Killua decides to listen in to the conversation. After all, it's not that Killua's nosy or anything, it's just that he has an itching bad feeling when it comes to the number 2 hero. It's not like he'll get caught, anyway.

Instead of an answer like Killua would imagine, the dual tone haired teen opted to continue walking down the hall. Thinking the conversation wasn't gonna continue, Killua was about to walk away when the voices continued to ring down the empty hall. "Shoto. I expect you to be first place here," the man says, putting a hand on his son's shoulder, in turn stopping him from moving. "And I expect you to drop this childish act and use your left side as well".

Oh. So that's it, Killua thinks to himself, Shoto must think his left side is from his dad and he's got daddy issues is all. Guess my assumption about Endeavor was true after all. Well, that makes a lot of sense. Killua shuts his thoughts away as his dual tone haired classmate speaks up. "I will never use your side. I will win this festival with my right side. Mom's side," he spits out, venom lacing his words. 

The pale haired boy mused to himself. Well, he got the information he wanted to confirm. What's the point in staying? Continuing his original action to walk away. However, this was yet again interrupted by the flame hero who spoke up once again, "You will get rid of this childish rebellion. You will bring honor to the reason I made you."

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