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"I'm leaving Avonlea." 

Eleanor stopped dead in her track at Gilbert's words. 

"Pardon?" she gasped out. 

"I said I'm leaving Avonlea, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Gilbert sighed out, almost like he was lifting a weight off of his shoulders. 

Eleanor's mind was racing a million miles per minute as her eyes darted anywhere but Gilbert. She didn't know what to think, it felt like just yesterday John had died and now Gilbert wants to leave the home he grew up? 

"But Gilbert, you're only sixteen-" Eleanor started to argue but Gilbert shook his head, his shaggy curls bouncing as he did. 

"I'm sorry Eleanor, but I have too. Staying here...in that house...it's just too much. Every time I look at my fathers bedroom...I-I'm sorry Eleanor I really am." Gilbert reached forward. 

But Eleanor was quick to retract her hand, Gilbert winced slightly at her action before sighing and turning to walk away. 

"I might not come back." he stated without turning around. 

Eleanor sighed and gently touched his shoulder, he turned to look at her with sorrowful eyes. She gave him a weak smile before pulling him in for a tight hug, her eyes watering slightly. 

"I'll always be here for you Gilbert, if you ever decide to come back I'll be here. Right where you left me." Eleanor sniffled as she pulled away from him. 

Gilbert chuckled and pushed a piece of her red hair behind her ear, allowing his hand to graze and touch her cheek. 

"I know you will darling, and that's why I promise to come back and save you from this hell hole one day. Then we can run away and start a new life, just us. Somewhere near the beach like you like, and I can build us a beautiful home-" Gilbert started but was stopped as Eleanor pressed her lips to his. 

She even caught herself by surprise by her eagerness, Gilbert instantly moved his other hand to grasp her other cheek. The two stood in the middle of the forest at their meeting spot, kissing like they would never see each other again. Yet again...they might not. 

Gilbert was first to pull away from Eleanor, much to his displeasure he heard her mother calling for her. She looked up at him through her long blonde eye lashes and smiled, gently placing her hands over his and nuzzling into them. 

"I'll take care of your house for you, please write to me, alright?" Eleanor asked. 

"Of course, every single week." he smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. 

She pulled herself from his grasp and instantly felt cold without his touch. Her eyes were brimming with tears as she looked once more at Gilbert. 

"Goodbye Eleanor." 

"Not goodbye, see you later, Gilbert." 


Dear Eleanor, 

I've made it onto the ship, they gave me a job straight away! Granted, it's not much and I barely make enough to survive but it's still something. They've got me shoveling coal into the engine, and lord am I covered in soot after a days work. 

I miss you.

It's only been a week but it feels like forever. Even though this is the first letter I've wrote to you, my mind stays on you all day. I hope all is well in Avonlea, Anne actually sent me a letter as well. And Ruby's already sent me five. 

But I never got excited for any of the letter the way I got excited when I seen your beautiful hand writing on that pretty yellow envelope. 

Until we meet again,  



Dear Elle, 

How's my favorite redhead? Is everything well in Avonlea? 

You haven't said anything about the old town in a few letter, must be boring there without me huh? 

Everything on the ship is alright...I made a new friend! His name is Sebastian, but he tells me to call him "Bash" which I think much better suits him. We've been friends since the first of March, which is exactly...uh a number of days. Though we've been apart for almost seven months, so you do the math on that one. 

Thank you for the package of  treats you sent me, me and Bash spent all night eating and talking to each other. I told him all about Avonlea, especially the extraordinary girl I met there. Anne. No no I'm kidding, don't get your knickers in a twist. You know you're the only girl I've got my eyes on. 

Bash told me about his childhood, says that if we ever got the chance that he would take me to Trinidad! Isn't that something? 

He tells me all about the spices and foods they offer in Trinidad, they all sound so foreign and...spicy! I'll be sure to send you some spices whenever I get the chance. 

Don't forget about me, 



My Dearest Elle, 

How are you darling? I'm great myself, thanks for asking! 

Me and Bash got off in Trinidad like he promised, such luck that the ship took us here wasn't it? He showed me around and we even helped a woman give birth! I delivered the baby myself actually, long story. I'll tell you another time. 

Trinidad is beautiful, I'm sending a box of spices and snacks that Bash said would be safe to eat when they get to Avonlea. I hope you like them, I tried a few of them but I didn't much care for the spicy ones. Bash even made fun of me for coughing on paprika, which he said had little to no actually taste. But this really is the most flavor and fun I've ever had. 

It would be so much better if you were here with me my love, everything seems so colorless without you beside me. Just remember our agreement, I'll come back for you one day and we can live the life we always wanted. 

Enjoy the treats and spices! 




To my one and only Elle,

I'm coming home. 


Hey everyone! I'm super sorry for the short chapter, it's more of just a filler to get to the good part of Season two. 

I'm not including some of the scenes in Anne with an E, just because I didn't find room to fit Eleanor into. And the whole gold thing was just weird in my brain, I didn't enjoy those episodes or the people in them so I skipped it. 

I promise the next chapter will be longer and more detailed, let me know if you want to see Eleanor's notes to Gilbert! 

Happy Reading! 

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now