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Hello Readers! I know I said the story was over, but I like to go through and read my stories over again to try and look for spelling errors. And while I was reading, I realized I wasn't happy with how the story ended. I'm decided to write one last chapter. This chapter will take place after Eleanor and Gilbert have finished college, gotten married, and had kids. Although this story is a little cringe (I was 16 when I wrote it), I think it's only fair to give you readers a better ending. 

And it's totally up to you to read this chapter! If you liked the way the book ended last chapter then that's totally fine, but I personally feel as if I could've done better. So here we are. 

Now, enough talking-

Enjoy the chapter!~


"See you next time Mrs Washington!" Eleanor waved the elder lady off with a smile. 

The little bell above the shop's front door gave a loud and quick ring, making Eleanor turn around to greet her customer. 

"Hello! Welcome to Elle's Nook-" she stopped mid sentence as she met eyes with a familiar face.

"Anne?" Eleanor gasped, her hand finding her way to her chest. 

Anne let out a loud squeal as she raced towards her childhood friend, the two met in the middle of the store as they hugged. 

"Oh my god! It's been years! How have you been?" Anne smiled as the two girls pulled away from the hug. 

"I'm great! I-I'm just so shocked! What brings you to Georgia?" Eleanor asked as she led her friend over to a small table in the corner of the store. 

"I was actually looking for you! Diana had told me that you opened your own store, but I didn't realize it would be like this!" Anne let out a dreamy sigh as her eyes scanned the store. 

After only 4 months at college, Eleanor decided that college wasn't the career choice for her. With the checks her father had given to Gilbert, she bought a little rundown store in a busy part of town. The previous owners, two very kind elderly folk, agreed to sell it to Eleanor with everything in it, she hired an interior designer and architect and got busy. 

She had turned the run down book store into a lively book/coffee shop. It was one of the more popular stores in the little town of Blairsville Georgia. With customers showing up before the store even opened, and when it closed at 4pm, Eleanor had her hands full being the owner. 

"Well thank you Anne, I put a lot of hard work and effort into this store." Eleanor smiled as she felt a sense of pride swelling in her chest. 

"Anyways, I know you didn't come to gawk at my store, so tell me the real reason you're here." Eleanor chuckled. 

Anne went quiet as she fiddled her thumbs, her eyes not once meeting Eleanor's as she tried to form the words in her head. 

"I've come to tell you I'm leaving." Anne stated. 

"What? Where are you going?" Eleanor asked, confusion clouding her face.

"I'm actually moving to Europe, with my girlfriend." Anne blushed. 

Eleanor's mouth dropped open as she stared at her blushing friend. She grabbed her friends hand and squealed in excitement, Anne soon joining after her. 

"Oh Anne that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Eleanor grinned. 

"Thank you. I realized how little of the world I've actually seen, and I would hate to die knowing I only lived in one corner my whole life." Anne explained, Eleanor nodded along. 

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