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"Can you believe It Anne? Today is the big day!" Eleanor squealed as she spun around, flour spinning out of her hair. 

"Eleanor!" Anne giggled as she was quickly covered in flour. 

"Whoops." the two laughed. 

Eleanor dusted off her hands before gently placing her homemade blueberry scones into the fireplace, pulling out her strawberry scones that were just finished baking. 

"Oh Eleanor it smells delicious in here." Anne swooned as she drooled at the sight of the delicious hot scones. 

"Thank you Anne, have you made your cake for the contest?" Eleanor asked as she scooped up the hot scones with her hands before placing them on a small wire rack that Gilbert made her. It helps immensely with the cooling process. 

"First of all, those are red hot and you just touched them with your hands-" Anne gasped as Eleanor smiled and shrugged. 

"I got used to touching hot things when I started dating Gilbert." Eleanor winked as Anne snorted. 

"ANYWAYS-" Anne giggled, "I've already finished my cake and it's already iced! Oh it smelt delicious when I was cooking it." Anne swayed on her feet. 

"Well I'm glad you were able to smell it in the end! I can't believe you got a cold the last minute! What bad luck." Eleanor stated as she violently whipped a milk and powdered sugar mixture together to make a glaze. While the scones were still warm, she took her knife and gently flowed the glaze over top of them in stripes, the glaze melted and fully covered each scone in a beautiful shiny top. 


"What about this one?" Gilbert asked as she stared as bash. 

"It looks like a white shirt, exactly like the white shirt you tried on before it, and before that one." Bash chuckled. 

Gilbert rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"But this one requires cuff links, for which I don't have since Elijah ran off with my fathers." 

"I could knit you a shirt in the time it's taking you to decide." Bash chuckled. 

"Today has to go perfectly, I'm going to ask Eleanor to marry me soon and I have to ask her mother today." 

"Now why didn't you tell me you were going to propose Gilbert? That's a big deal!" Bash leapt up and gave the boy a long hug.

"I was nervous Bask! It is a big deal! Do you think I'm making the wrong decision?" Gilbert asked as he flopped down onto the bed. 

"Gilbert, that girl is so head over heels for you that she stays at your house every night, she cooks every night for you, for god sakes Gilbert she reads to you." Bash groaned. 

"How did you know about the reading?" Gilbert blushed as he sat up. 

"I can hear her at night." Bash rolled his eyes. 

"I just like her voice." Gilbert whispered. 

"I can tell." Bash smirked. 

"Oh fine make fun of me! I have to go get cuff links from the Cuthburts." Gilbert groaned before walking out and straddling his horse. 

"I don't know why he's making it so difficult on himself." Bash said softly too Delphine. 

To which she only made a small sound, but it was almost like she was agreeing with him. 


Eleanor glanced up when she heard the sound of horse hooves, she wiped her hands off from the soapy water from washing dishes and went to the door. 

"Gilbert!" she smiled and raced out the door to where he had stopped, jumped from his horse, and tied it around a post. 

"Eleanor? What are you doing here-" he was cut off as she flung herself at him, he caught her and spun her around as their lips attached. 

"I missed you." she smiled as they pulled away from their kiss. 

"I missed you more." he chuckled as he placed her down. 

"Oh to be young and in love again." Marilla smiled as she watched them from a nearby window. 

"Is something going on Marilla?" Anne asked as she walked over to the window. 

"Gilbert is here." she motioned to the two teenagers walking up the dirt path. 

Anne nodded before turning and returning to the dishes, she could hear the sound of the door close before turning around. 

"I just wanted to ask Matthew for some cuff links, is he around?" just as Gilbert said that, Matthew came stalking through the door with a radish the size of Texas. 

"Oh my!" Eleanor gasped. 

"That's the most extravagant radish I've ever seen sir!" Gilbert's mouth hung open. 

"Thank you." Matthew smiled slightly. 

"Gilbert needs a pair of cuff links Matthew, could you fetch them for him? I'll take the radish and wash it." Eleanor stated. 

Matthew nodded and hesitantly handed over his pride and joy, Eleanor was careful not to dent, break, or mess up the radish is any way as she gently washed the dirt off of the large vegetable. 

"Hm." Anne hummed to herself. 

"Is something wrong Anne?" Eleanor asked. 

"Oh! Did I do that aloud?" Anne jumped, Eleanor nodded as she carefully placed the clean radish on an empty part of the table. 

"It's just that...Gilbert has never wore cuff links before. I mean, obviously not since he has to ask Matthew, I wonder what the special occasion is?" Anne shrugged. 

Eleanor thought to herself before agreeing and shrugging, Anne gasped suddenly. 

"Eleanor! Do you think he's going to propose?" Anne whispered. 

Her face dropped as her mind raced a million miles per second, a smile grew on her face as she squealed. 

"Oh yes! That must be what it is!" Eleanor giggled. 

"Alright girls don't get too excited!" Marilla smiled from the dining table. 

"Oh Marilla how could you not be "too excited"?" Anna swooned. 

"Mrs Eleanor Blythe." Eleanor repeated in her head, a dumbfounded smile across her face. 


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for being patient with me while I took a much needed break! Chapter will return (hopefully) back to normal updating schedule! 


𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now