Lovely Rellik - The Perfect Doll (CHAMPION IDEA)

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There once lived a witch at the dark edge of Piltover, that longed for simple pleasures, such as a child of her own.

Day and night, the old witch brewed potions and casted spells on various objects, carelessly destroying and killing everything she experimented on.

But one day, the witch was invited by one of her friends to a stall in the black market.

There were stands, shelves and tents, full of all sorts of things that the witch had not seen in years.

Then, one particular stall caught the old witch's attention.

'Antique Dolls'

She swooped towards the shop owner, and beamed. An eager look flashing through her eyes.

"Why hello there madam," a woman wearing a black hooded cloak spoke from behind a wooden crate.

"I couldn't help but notice the lovely dolls you have here, may I have a look?" the old witch asked, taking out a leather pouch and hinting at the gold inside.

"Ah," the shop owner spoke. "Of course, of course" The shop owner pulled out a small box, filled with beautiful porcelain dolls, the witch grinned.

"These are my best." The Owner spoke, "please take a look,."

The witch spent hours, looking for the perfect doll, completely forgetting about her friends invitation, until she finally set her mind to one.

"I would like this one," The witch spoke softly, lifting up a child sized fabric doll, and handing it to the owner.

"Ah, yes. Her name is Lovely, Lovely Rellik." The owner lifted her head, and her eyes flashed red, then back to green.

But the witch took no notice. As she paid a fair price, and took the lovely doll home.

That night, once the witch had dressed and placed the little doll in a small cot, the smiled to herself and walked into her bedroom, turning off the light and closing the door.


The old witch's friend came over the next morning to ask why she didn't drop by to her store the other day, and she opened the front door to find her dear friend the witch, lying on her bed with several needles sticking out of all of her pressure points.

And sitting there without a single drop of blood, sat the little doll, with the brightest smile on her face leaning on the witch's arm.

The witch's friend picked up the doll and softly placed it in her satchel, closing the door without another word.


The next day the doll was back in the young merchant's stall, and a stiff robotic woman named Orianna Reveck picked up the doll and bought it for even cheaper than it was the other day.

Orianna took the doll back to The League of Legends, and placed it down, she spoke a soft greeting with her robotic voice, and as if she was waiting for it, Lovely Rellik's sown smile grew wider as she replyied;

"Hello, friend..."


Thrill (Passive): Any ally within a certain distance from lovely gains a 10% boost in movement speed.

Pierce (Q): Lovely throws a needle, hitting the first enemy in its path, slowing them if the thread is broken

Discernment (W): Lovely's basic attacks deals twice the amount of physical damage and gives her a shield, depending on how many champions she hits within a period of time before her ability runs out

Flaunt (E): Lovely dashes half way to a targeted ally champion. If used directly after her Q, lovely dashes directly towards the enemy champion or creep.

Recapitulate (R): Lovely's Ultimate gives her a temporary aura dealing damage and life-steal, to nearby enemy champions and creeps, stunning them if they run out of her aura. This deactivates when she is stunned.

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