Elise - The Spider Queen ✔

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Extended Lore

Deep underground, 'hidden from society' the beautiful spider queen Elise, preached to her followers about the almighty spider god .


The candles illuminated the dark halls of an old church, echoes heard of footsteps every so often, and the small flickers of flames being the only aid of sight for Elise's eager disciples.

Chanting and preaching, Elise told many stories about the great Vilemaw, and her submissive followers listened to her every word, praying to earn the god's favour.

"Join me," Elise raises her voice, looking faithfully looking into everyone's eyes.

"Join me, as we shall make our way to the god's shrine!" she held her breath, a red flash shining through her eyes, as her more than grateful disciples, were special chosen to embark on the journey.

After several long weeks at sea, the small group reached the misty shores of the shadow isles. With dim bluish green fog, illuminating the twilight sky.

The shoreline wasn't at all like the normal beaches of Runeterra, with roots, stones and dead plants, scattered wherever you step.


The deeper they ventured into the creaky forest, the more the were aware of their surroundings, each snap of a twig, sending shivers up the followers spines.

The pilgrimage passed many curls and weaves of the plants and natural forms, created by years of wild growth.

Until they finally reached the 'shrine' of Vilemaw.

Or so they thought...

Elise twirled around to face her followers, an eager glare screaming from her red eyes.

As she slowly raised her hands high above her, and long spider legs began to grow out of her back, extending down beside her.

Her disciples were horrified, mouths open and frozen. All lost for words. Every single one of their eyes, locked on her long strong spider legs.

They turn to run, but its too late.

Elise shoots out string after string, of her magnificent silky threads. Blocking any possible exit, holding them captive. Moving closer, she inspects their faces.

"Scared?" Elise whispered in a piercing tone, quiet yet deafeningly into someone's ear.

"Nothing escapes my web." And with those last words, she weaved and enchantingly symmetrical network of strings, snaring them all in place.

"Mmm... Dinner." Elise moans, feeling the fresh blood, rejuvenate her strength.


Back in Noxus, Elise's newer followers were delighted to see that she had returned, and even more delighted to figure out that her worthy disciples had all decided to stay at the shrine of the spider god.

Elise decides to join the League of Legends, to encourage others to join her pilgrimage. So she can once again surpass mortality.

Beta Lore

Vicious and elegant, Elise's charismatic grace lures the innocent and greedy alike into her web of deceit. While her victims may discover her true intentions, no one has ever lived to reveal what dark secrets lie behind her enigmatic guise.

In dark halls, hidden from society, Elise preached the word of a mythical spider god. Her desperate followers hungered for the god's favor, believing its blessings to be the source of Elise's vibrance and power.

When Elise proclaimed that she would lead a pilgrimage to the spider god's shrine, she selected only her most devout disciples to join her.

Ecstatic, the chosen few followed her blindly as she led them on a perilous journey across the sea.

When they came ashore at their final destination, the mysterious Shadow Isles, Elise led them to a cavern shrouded in webs. Expecting a shrine, the group looked to their priestess in confusion. She turned to the crowd and raised her arms in triumph, revealing strange, spider-like legs that grew out of her back.

Seeing her terrifying true form for the first time, Elise's followers turned to flee, but she conjured magical webs to trap them. With her victims ensnared, she turned to face the cave and uttered a screeching cry.

An enormous undead spider-beast emerged from the darkness, dragging its hideous bulk on thick, pointed legs. Elise's followers could only scream as the monstrous spider ate them alive.

She approached the sated creature, extracted its venom, and drank the strange substance. An immediate sense of rejuvenation flowed through her veins. With mortality delayed once again, Elise left to rejoin her congregation.

They were overjoyed to hear that their fellows had chosen to remain at the spider god's sacred home. Elise reassured her disciples that she would lead another pilgrimage in due time. The spider god would be waiting.

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