Zyra - The Rise of Thorns ✔

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Extended Lore

I could feel my roots slowly dying, as my once strong body, withered away. I soaked in the last of the water from a recent rainfall, and dug my roots deeper into the ground.

This isn't enough... I can't survive like this.

A bright light stunned me, as my shrivelled petals ruffled to a stop.

Something's here, I can feel it.

I focused my roots and slowly shifted towards the strange sound and vivid lights. My thorns hungry for a kill, as I kept creeping closer.


Zyra, that's what they called me.

One of the ancient plants of the Kumungu jungle. Along side me, there used to be many others, until most of the creatures of the forest where devoured by my kin. I am the last one standing, alone for many years now.

Hungry and waiting. Now is my chance.

My vines spread, as they quickly entwined with two other plants, using the last of my last energy to grow.

Thorns pierced through my freshly grown vines, now twisted through the branches of nearby trees and dangling down towards the unsuspecting creature.

Focusing my mind, I saw that it wasn't a normal creature, but a human. A sorceress. My senses tingles as I watched bright pink streams of light, escaping from her finger tips. Her onyx black hair glowing with matching light. She extended her hand out in front of her, and began to chant unfamiliar rune spells. I reacted, shooting out my thorny vines. And quickly wrapping them around her neck and waist.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. I could feel my thorns piercing into her flesh, as she stopped struggling and let go.

I squeezed tighter, pulling her into my newly grown killing chamber, and watched as the last of the light began to drain from her hair.

But suddenly, my roots began to dry.

What... Whats happening.

My thorns shrunk along with them.

For a split second, I watched as my vines began to shimmer with a slightly pink tinge. Then my leaves growing longer and extending upwards, flowing down the back of my head. The orange sky, now black. Swirling around me, as I could feel my body changing.

I blinked. I have eyes... What is happening?

Looking down I saw my roots expand.

I'm turning into her. I'm turning into a human.

My leaves growing to cover parts that she had also covered. I clasped my new hands together, balling them into fists. And as my roots formed 'mortal-like' legs.

I fell to my knees. What is this?!

But the plants around me began to grow underneath my arms, helping me to stand once more.

I extended my arm in front of my new body, just as that woman once had.

And a trail of thorny roots shot out from underground, hitting a nearby boulder and latching onto it, smashing it into smithereens.

I felt my eyes twitch as a grin spread across my face.

"With this body I can do much more."

I spoke, my voice ringing through the trees, as they rustled back.

"And today, I am reborn!"


Beta Lore

Longing to take control of her fate, the ancient, dying plant Zyra transferred her consciousness into a human body for a second chance at life.

Centuries ago, she and her kind dominated the Kumungu Jungle, using thorns and vines to consume any animal that set foot in their territory.

As the years passed, the animal population steadily died off. Food became increasingly scarce, and Zyra could only stand by helplessly as the last of her kin withered away.

She thought she would perish alone, until the appearance of an unwary sorceress presented her with an opportunity for salvation.

It was the first time in years Zyra had sensed a creature wander so close. Hunger drew her to the sorceress, but some other, deeper instinct compelled her.

She enveloped the woman in thorns with ease, but as she savored this final meal, foreign memories invaded her thoughts. She saw great jungles of metal and stone where humans and animals thrived.

Potent magic surged through her vines, and she devised an elegant but risky plan to survive. Using the woman's memories, Zyra poured her newfound magic into the creation of a human-shaped vessel.

She didn't know what sort of world awaited her, but she had nothing left to lose. When Zyra opened her eyes, she was overwhelmed by the raw power ready at her fingertips. It wasn't until she noticed the shriveled remains of the plant she once was that she realized how vulnerable she had become.

If this body died, there would be no network of vines to retreat through, no roots to regrow her...but she felt truly alive.

She beheld the world for the first time as animals did, and a dark smile crept across her lips. She was reborn, and there was so much now within her grasp.

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