Lulu - the Fae Sorceress ✔

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Extended Lore

The sun was going down as young Lulu, a small yordle, was wandering through the retiring streets of bandle city

She skipped along humming a sweet tune to herself, while munching on a pink cupcake.Oblivious to all the people staring at her excessively happy nature.

Lulu couldn't care less about what everyone thought. She just wants to have fun.


Popping the last bit of cupcake in her mouth, Lulu stopped and walked around a building, hmm she wondered.

Looking towards the dark side of a nearby alleyway. And through the corner of her eyes she saw a small purple shimmer, right at the end.

Not thinking twice, she brushed the cupcake crumbs off her dress and skips into the long path.

Reaching the back, she saw that the ally was a dead end. Blocked with a semi-tall wooden fence. And at the top of it was a small bird house.

Lulu tilted her head slightly. Peering up at the floral engraved bird house. And it shone, a bright purple.

"Hello!" Lulu exclaimed, perking up her body. "Don't worry" she smiled. "I'll save you" Lulu toddles her way through the ally, collecting boxes and bits.

She stacked the garbage into a neat pile beside the fence and stood on top of it. Reaching up to take the bird house down. But only skimming it with the tip of her fingers.

Lulu inspected the bird house closer, to see that the shiny light wasn't just her imagination. But a creature, a pixie!"Oh! Oh! A pixie!" she exclaimed, jumping with joy. "Hey pixie, you wanna play?" Lulu asked the little pixie.

The glass door shot open in one smooth movement, as the pixie flung out and landed 'smack' onto Lulu's face.

She started to blink, and became sleepy as the last of the sunlight disappeared, and the street lamps where the only thing illuminating the night.


Lulu woke up, still in a trance as she rubbed her eyes clear.

She was in a small room, and on a bed. At all the corners of the room were decorated in fresh and sweet smelling flowers.

Lulu jumped out of bed and grabbed her staff, hopping outside of the room.She was outdoors, and was overwhelmed immediately.

Bursts of vibrant colours filled Lulu's eyes, as she walked through the mystically lit streets, of this new magical place.

Lulu kept walking, in awe at all the interesting things growing on the strangely shaped plants. The twilight sky in contrast to all the beautiful lights.

Lulu, felt a sudden gust of wind, lift her hair and brush it off her face, whispering something into her ear.

Welcome... To The Glade...

It whisperedLulu got so caught up in the warm atmosphere that she didn't notice something up to her at the speed of light, and whacking her in the face, causing her to fall over.

"Owwie" Lulu sat up, and looked towards the apologetic pixie. "Oi, Pix" she frowned. "If we are going to be friends, you have to stop doing that.

" Lulu said with a smile, picking herself up, and brushing the dust off her butt.

Pix lead Lulu into the center of it all, the middle of The Glade. Where a long, green meadow stretched almost as far as your eyes could see, different flowers growing at every step. Lulu felt at home.


But one day, when she was out for a sunrise walk with pix, a thought struck her.

"...What about Bandle...?"Her eyes widened, as she remembered about her old home. Suddenly wishing she could go back.

She begged Pix, and they went back the very same day.


Lulu opened her once closed eyes, and realised that she was back in the entrance of the alley way. Where she found Pix.And Pix was right there with her, sitting on her shoulder.

But for some reason, the place looked different. Lulu peered towards the end of the alley way, but her pile of rubbish was gone, and so was the small bird house.

She frowned, and headed out to the streets, surprised but unfazed about what she saw.

A few of her favourite buildings to play in where gone, and several new ones built.

Looking around for her friends, she saw no one with a recognisable smile."I'm in the right place with all the wrong faces." she whispered softly to herself.

Shaking it off and walking slowly into the middle of the city, Pix following close behind.

Reaching the centre of the city, Lulu saw a few younger yordles skipping and singing, hands all entwined.


Lulu joined in with the younger yordles fun and games, but found it slightly boring. Seeing as she was used to the magical fun and joy of The Glade. She decided to spice up their fun by changing the rest of the yordles into little cute animals and flowers.

Most of the younger yordles had fun, and we're delighted to be transformed into different shapes and sizes.

But the older yordles were furious, Yelling and telling her off. Forcing her out of Bandle City, her own old home.

She collected up her thoughts and closed her eyes, she needed to be somewhere. Do something, be someone.

She needed to join The League of Legends.

Beta Lore

Perhaps more than any other champion in the League, Lulu marches to the beat of her own drum.

During her youth in Bandle City, she spent most of her time wandering alone in the forest or lost in a daydream.

It wasn't that she was antisocial; the day-to-day bustle of Bandle City just couldn't compete with the vibrant world of her imagination. She saw wonder in places most people overlooked.

This was how she found Pix, a fae spirit, pretending to be stuck in a birdhouse.

Lulu's imagination distinguished her to Pix and he seized the opportunity to lure her into his world. He brought her to the Glade, the enchanted home of the fae, which lay nestled in a clearing in the woods.

There the rigid properties of the outside world - things like size and color - changed as frequently and whimsically as the direction of the wind. Lulu felt at home in the Glade and she lingered there with Pix, fascinated by this secret place.

She quickly lost track of time. Her life in the Glade was comfortable and natural. She and Pix played fae games together, the sorts of games that she had been told were ''make believe''... and she got exceedingly good at them.

It caught her by surprise when she suddenly remembered that she had left a life behind in Bandle City. The Glade had a way of making everything outside seem distant and surreal. Lulu decided to revisit her former home, to share some of the lovely things she'd learned, but when she and Pix returned the world had changed.

Time, she discovered, was another property that behaved differently in the Glade, and centuries had passed while she was away.

Lulu sought to reconnect to the residents of the outside world but her attempts had unfortunate results.

She led all the children off to play hide and seek, temporarily changing them into flowers and animals to spice up the game, but their parents didn't appreciate her efforts.

When the yordles insisted that she leave their land, she turned to a vibrant magical place where those with unusual gifts were not just accepted but adored: the League of Legends.

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