Amumu - the Sad Mummy (BTR Surprise!)

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BTR - Surprise!

"Hey Annie, Annie?" Amumu looked up into Annie's eyes as the sun outlined a small log and the branches that surrounded the spot that Annie and Amumu where sitting at, It was a warm summer morning, and the sun was almost half way up the sky. 

"Yea Mumu?" she replied with a grin, standing up on her tip toes exaggerating their height difference. Amumu smiled for a second then frowned.

"Umm," He began, mumbling softly to himself. "Why do you think nobody likes me Annie?" he spoke with a whisper. Looking towards the shadows as he saw a bush shift slightly.

Annie stopped tippy toeing and gently took one of Amumu's hands, gripping tightly onto Tibbers with her other.

"I like you Amumu, I think you're really kind." Annie smiled tenderly, letting go of Amumu's hand to bring Tibbers up to kiss Amumu on the cheek. 

Amumu shed a small tear of joy. "Thanks Annie, Tibbers. You guys are the best," he paused, "but why does no one want to hang out with me, I mean other than you guys. Like that time when I was invited to that surprise party, but it turns out it was a mistake, and that I wasn't even invited..." Amumu looked down at his feet, fiddling with the fallen leaves and twigs while holding his hands behind his back. Then he suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Maybe because I'm dead." Amumu whispered more to himself. He froze in realisation, forgetting to breathe for a while. Then he burst into tears.

"But I don't understand! Kalista is dead, so is Karthus, Urgot died and Zilean comes back to life all the time! Its not fair Annie! Its not fair!" Amumu fell to his knees, bawling his eyes out, and annie stayed with him holding his hand, until he ran out of tears.

Annie thought about kalista and karthus, Urgot too... Well people are scared of them so... UGH 'If only you knew Amumu, its not death that makes everyone hate you, its because you're sad wherever you go, people try to cheer you up. But you just make them sad too, I don't know why that hasn't happened to me yet but until then, I'll make sure to make you as happy as I can. ' Annie thought to herself.

"Mumu, you are a strong, brave and caring mummy, and I don't care if you died, because you are awesome." Annie spoke softly and calmly, making sure that Amumu heard every word.

Then Annie stood up, and gently pulled Amumu away from his puddle of fallen tears.


The sun continued to stream through the gaps in the leaves, as Annie lead Amumu into an opening, a green meadow decorated with brightly coloured streamers and balloons.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMUMU!" Lulu, Veigar, Lux, Tristana and Teemo cheered enthusiastically. Amumu looked around, observing all the creative glittery decorations and colourful foods with a large frosted cake as the centre-piece.  

'At least this will make him happy, for now' Annie grinned with a satisfied look on her face.

 "All this, for me?" Amumu was about to cry, but he didn't have any tears left.

"But its not even my birthday guys..." Amumu looked around nervously, still in shock that everyone put so much effort into decorating and setting up a party for him.

"Actually, no one knows when your birthday is." Tristana spoke.

"Yea, I bet you don't even know, and look. Today night be the day!" Lux smiled with her thumbs up.

"You guys... Thank you so much, I love you all!" Amumu made a face as if he was about to cry, but again, nothing came out. So he smiled, his pearly teeth reflecting the sunlight.

"Anything for you Mumu, you're a great friend." Annie poked Amumu's cheek.

"Yea! you're a big help on the rift Mu!" Lulu giggled as pix flew around Amumu's face. 

"I was forced to be he-" Veigar began.

"TRANSMOGULATE!!!! " Lulu screamed.

The little squirrel like creature ran under one of the smaller tables, away from Lulu, and it turned back into Veigar, bumping into the underside of the table.

"Where's teemo? I heard his voice before." Amumu questioned Tristana, "I wanna thank him for that great game we had the other day."

"To be honest," Tristana replied. "You never know with him, but don't worry he'll be back for the cake." Tristana grinned.

"Well?" Annie cut in, "Lets get this party started!!!"

~ Happy Birthday Amumu ~


Beta Lore

Amumu is a diminutive, animated cadaver who wanders the world, trying to discover his true identity. He rose from an ancient Shuriman tomb bound in corpse wrappings with no knowledge of his past, consumed with an uncontrollable sadness.

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