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Chapter song: Generation Why- Conan Gray 

7 years ago.

It may have been the grueling past few weeks that I was excited for a break or the fact that I missed my mom's cooking, but I was excited to be home. Liam, Mason, and I piled into Tish's car so she could drive us to their house.

It was convenient that I lived across the street from the Parker family. Mason's dads would pick him up after one of them got off work. It was funny to me how we all planned to go home just to end up back at Liam's house that night. Once we were showered and home fed at least. Hell, we'd probably have second dinner at the Parkers anyway. 

"We only have like three weeks left of summer and we still have practice," Liam groaned from the front seat.

"Yeah but at least we get the weekend off," I sighed sinking further into my seat. Tish chuckled at all of us. She ran a spin studio so I guess she never really had a day off. I don't know how she did it every day. 

"I just hope they don't give us two-a-days. At least not until the season actually starts," Mason grumbled. We both agreed and started talking about the season. It would be an epic one for sure. There was no way we wouldn't make it to state.

We pulled into their driveway and saw the rest of our ridiculous crew waiting for us. On the lawn, Riley seemed to be sunbathing. Typical of her I snorted to myself.

Then there was Kenny boxing Ty in a bikini that wasn't similar to Riley's in the slightest. Hers looked like one of the ones she wore to swim practice. She and Ty probably just got home since they were still suited up. Or they decided to join Riley in tanning.

It was funny how no matter what was going on, we all ended up at their house for anything. Even though Riley and Kenny didn't really hang around us anymore. They were always busy doing who knows what. We never really questioned them. 

"Hey! You can't kick me like that! That was a cheap shot," Ty laughed backing away.

"You're only saying that because I thought of it first Anderson," Kenny smirked dodging Ty's right hook. "Besides you couldn't be me even if you tried."

None of them looked our way as we grabbed everything from the car. They just carried on whatever they were doing. I didn't blame them, it looked a hell of a lot more fun than grabbing duffel bags and lacrosse sticks. 

"Yeah, we missed you guys too. So much," Mason yelled at them sarcastically.

"Hi Mase," Kenny cooed walking towards us. She twisted her hair into a bun on top of her head grinning wickedly.

He dropped his bags and ran to Kenny picking her up into a big bear hug. She screamed wildly at him begging to put her down. Her giggles pierced the air, and for a moment I felt something stir inside of me. I kind of wished I was the one making her giggle in a way. Not that I ever thought about that before. 

"Okay okay okay! Mason please!" She groaned.

"You guys look tired," she eyed all of us up and down. I wasn't sure but I felt her eyes on me longer than Liam or Mason.

"Look who's talking," Liam tossed his bags down on the lawn nodding to Ty. He looked at Kenny and lingered towards Riley before shifting his gaze back to Ken.

"When's the party?"

"Oh, you assume we're going to have a party?" She clicked her tongue.

I could help but notice how confident she stood there. Her muscles had become more defined, but maybe they'd always been that way. Her eyes, like a penny, were shiny and playful. They were always ready for a challenge. I liked the way her eyes lit up when she spoke to us.

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