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Chapter Song: Stay- Gracie Abrams OR Look After You- The Fray

"Are you sure it's okay to be driving in this weather?" Kenny gazed out the window uncertaintly.

I had to admit we probably shouldn't be driving in the storm. Or storm to come I should say. It had been raining all morning and apparently the weather was following us to the cabin. Ken had mentioned there was a storm warning tonight too.

"We'll be fine." I shrugged. I didn't want to worry her anymore than she already was. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, we didn't need any added stress.

"Did you know that Liam invited our birth mom to the wedding?"

"No way?"

"Yeah," she sighed.

"How do you feel about it?"

"I mean I don't know what to feel if I'm honest. I don't want to see her I guess, but if it's what Liam wants," she trailed off.

"You know you don't have to talk to her right?

"I know but what if. What if she tries to talk to me like last time?"

It strikes me hearing how concerned she was. Kennedy, the girl who attracted everyone's attention by walking into the room. Who was always the face of confidence. She didn't even try either, it was all natural. The girl, well woman I should say, that never let anything get to her. She was fiercely strong and capable of things she didn't even realize. I was constantly impressed by her, even now.

Yet here she was afraid to talk to her birth mom. I couldn't blame her though. It took me a while to talk to my dad after everything that happened senior year. It was a weird feeling to understand that your parents aren't on pedestals but they are people.

"Do you need help if she does try to talk to you?" I offered.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like if I was there with you. I'm sure you'd rather have Riley but if you ever need a second place person. I can be at your service. Groomsmen duties," I gave her a small wink.

"I don't know if groomsmen duties applies to this," she seemed unsure but wanted to smile.

"I mean if it helps the day go by smooth and eases some stress I think it classifies as groomsmen duties."

She looked at me for a moment. The gears were turning over and over in her head. I wished I could read her mind sometimes. She always had so much going on up there and kept too much of it to herself at times.

"Maybe," she whispered touching my arm. I felt my mouth curve upwards.

We sat the rest of the way in silence. The pitter patter or rain and the soft music filled the air. I always liked being able to sit in comfortable silence with her. You didn't get that often.

"Here we are," I sighed pulling in. I pulled the keys out and tossed them at Ken. "You wanna go unlock the door and I'll grab the bags? We can worry about our trash later."

"I can get it," she said putting all out snack trash into the bag the clerk gave us at the gas station.

We had four suitcases total. I really don't know how we had so much stuff to bring. Kennedy insisted that one of them was for decorations. The second one was full of board games and card games and other junk we may need for the weekend. That girl thought of everything.

I brought her bag in first along with one of the others. Then I grabbed the second one and mine. Thankfully they didn't get too wet, but I was soaked.

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