19. Kennedy

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Chapter Song: I Guess I'm In Love- Clinton Kane// Everybody- Backstreet Boys

"Because when you love someone, it's the best and worst thing in the world." His eyes met mine and I gulped. "It's the worst because of how all consuming it is. But it's the best damn thing in the world to have someone that loves you back just as much if not more."

He rocked on his heels a little bit, cracking a joke. He was good with words. He was quite captivating as he spoke. I couldn't help but stare. I was always staring at him. Sometimes entranced by his mere existence. In a way that I'm glad I can exist at the same time as him.

"If there's anything I could hope for or look forward to. It would be to have the love that these two people share." He smiled at the two of them before meeting my eyes. "I think we would all be lucky to even have a glimpse of what it'd be like with that kind of love."

I broke first. I had to look away or I didn't think I'd ever stop.

Let him go let him go let him go.

That's what we decided. It would be okay. We'd done it before. But something was different about it this time. It felt final.

He wrapped up his speech and handed back the microphone before walking back over to me. He gave my hand a quick squeeze before pulling me closer to him.

"After they finish this dance," he nodded to Riley and Liam swaying together. "Dance with me."

It wasn't a demand. It sounded more like longing. A wish almost.

"For old times sake," he added quickly.

"Did you think I would say no?" I asked. "Feeling nostalgic are we?" I smiled softly at him taking his hand.

He shook his head grinning wickedly at me. His dimples popped and I couldn't help but return the favor. I wish I had my camera to capture his smile in that moment. It was something I didn't think I'd get from him after tonight.

It was the smile only I used to get when we shared something. It was a secret or joke or something from the heart. That was my smile, and I was relishing in it.

"Your speech was incredible by the way," I nodded.

He dragged me onto the dance floor and wrapped his arms around me. They fit too perfectly. I nestled into him inhaling his teakwood scent. It was always my favorite.

"No they loved yours much more," he said to me. It was a matter of fact to him. As if he couldn't have spoken beautiful words.

"Definitely not." I shook my head. "You really do have a way with words."

"Thank you," he muttered spinning me. "Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight, Parker?"

"I can't say you have," I stuttered. I'm pretty sure he already told me earlier today.

"Well you look incredibly beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

"You don't clean up bad yourself." I looked up at him. "Magnificently handsome McCormick."

"Magnificent eh?" He smirked. "I'll have to add that one to my resume."

"Of course you will," I laughed. I wanted to meet his eyes again. But I was afraid I would do things I should not do. "First under your list of skills."

"Right above devilishly charming," he added.

"But under terrible dancer," I winked.

"Keeping me humble I see," he sighed in delight. "But I'm not that bad."

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