7. Kenny

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Chapter song: Calling All Angels- Train

I stepped into the old stomping grounds as my dad would like to say. But really for me, it was like stepping into a time machine back to high school. Actually, since coming back home I felt like I stepped through a time machine. Everything and nothing seemed to change.

I guess some things hadn't changed since then. My heart still ached. I was still friends with the most amazing people I went to school with. I drank coffee like it was water even though I shouldn't. Those were the facts. I couldn't ignore them, even if I wanted to.

But some things had also changed. I had changed. I haven't swam laps since I walked out of that meet junior year. I swam at beaches but that was different than being in a regular pool. It wasn't serious or competitive. I wasn't trying to beat myself. I was having fun. Something I hadn't done in a while.

Yet here I was back where I made so many memories. Speaking of a memory one of the most memorable faces of my swimming career sauntered over to me with a smirk plastered over his face.

"Look who decided to show up," Ty opened his arms to welcome me.

"I told you I would," I rolled my eyes. "Did you really think I wouldn't?"

"No, but I couldn't blame you if you didn't." He said leading me back to the team.

He explained how they were doing and who had the most potential. I had to admit I was impressed at how Ty coached the team. He had been so sarcastic at times that when he was serious it was almost weird. Not quite but it was borderline. Now it looked natural. Coaching fit him.

I took out my camera and snapped photos here and there of the boy's and girl's teams. Some of them swimming and some of the groups talking. I wanted to give the memories. Something they could look back on to remember how much fun they had.

I got Ty to let them dive and do some relays so I could get them doing something other than taking a breath out of the water. The team liked that idea better than nothing since they weren't at an actual meet. Maybe I'd try to go to one.

After a while, I put the camera away and just observed their practice. It was nice to watch them go through some of the same drills we went through. Of course, Ty was bringing up drills from high school and I assumed some he learned at Berkeley.

"Hey! Ollie right?" I waved my arms trying to get her attention. She looked at me wearily and finally nodded. Scooting closer I told her, "you're offbeat."

"What do you mean?"

"When you turned to do your flip-turn. You turned too early. Try counting your strokes a few times without any turns, and then you should be able to find your beat of when to flip." I gave her a lopsided smile hoping that it didn't come across as rude. "I don't mean to sound harsh."

"How do I fix it?" She bit her lip.

"Try swimming the way you were and count how long it takes you to do it. Or a song that keeps you relaxed and try it. Then do another round and flip over." She nodded trying to figure out which option to do. "The whole point is to distract your mind. You want to go with the water not against it. You'll find your counts and then it'll be a smoother transition."

"What do you know?" A girl next to Ollie glared my way. I opened my mouth and then shut it.

"Probably nothing," I shrugged. Backstroke was bever my best area anyway.

"You really just said you don't know anything KP?" Ty asked sitting down next to me. "Ollie, Sydney you don't recognize who this is?"

They both shook their heads looking slightly sweaty. Sydney looked slightly more annoyed than scared. Ty just looked at them and then at me in a can you believe this type of way.

"Kennedy Parker," he laughed. "This is the girl that all of you talk about becoming."

"No way," Ollie gasped. Sydney's eyes widened which I'm guessing she made a mistake in judging me.

"Why?" I whispered to Ty.

"Because you're a legend," he nudged me.

"They know I walked out? Right?" He nodded. I looked at the girls before saying, "I'm really not that good. I didn't even finish the season or swim senior year."

"You walking out really sealed the deal. Every girl here looks up to you." Ty explained. "Just because you walked away from the sport doesn't mean you weren't good KP. Plus everyone loves a rebel." He was just trying to be nice.

"Thank you for the advice," Ollie smiled.

"You're welcome," I beamed. "You can call me Kenny. Or Kennedy. Whichever one I don't care."

"Okay." She was sweet. I don't know if she was just naturally shy or the fact that I corrected her and now she knew who I was. Maybe I'd see her come out of her she'll eventually.

I stayed where I was dipping my feet into the water while I watched Ollie find her rhythm. I noticed that sometimes getting into my own head too much caused me to fall short. I usually just let my head wander and the water relaxed me.

Sometimes I missed it. I missed feeling like I was in my own little world. The feeling of being weightless and that I could just lay in the water. It was magical to stay underwater for as long as possible. Not thrashing or sinking, but being completely immersed in it.


Ty pulled me out of my thoughts and rounded up the team to take some more photos. But he also stopped and introduced me giving me quite the amount of compliments. I was surprised he even remembered some of my accomplishments or that he even bothered to say it.

"Can you come back and teach us some more?" A girl whose name I didn't know asked. I looked at Ty for the answer but he just shrugged.

"I mean as long as your coach is okay with it and you want me to come back why not?" This got a smile out of most of them. Even the guy's team.

"I mean I'm not opposed to an assistant coach," he shrugged at me. His eyes were twinkling at the thought.

"I didn't mean that," I began.

"Will you and Ty race?" A guy asked. I think his name was Brett.

"No," I said as Ty said yes.

"What are you scared to lose KP?" He raised a brow.

"Oh you know I'll smoke your ass, Anderson," I smirked crossing my arms. "The only time I lost to a boy was Cal and that was by choice."

"Oh so now you admit it," he grumbled.

"Oh shut up," I punched his shoulder playfully. He gripped it wincing as I laughed it off. So dramatic.

He smirked back at the memory. The team was looking at us in confusion, but maybe we'd tell them that story another day. "You know," I looked at him. "I don't think we ever have actually raced each other seriously. One of us was always fucking with each other too much that we never finished a damn race."

"I actually think you're right," he agreed utterly confused.

"She'll still win," Ollie piped up. Ty raised his eyebrows at her before turning his attention back to me.

"You'll have to prove it. Unless you're too rusty. Those old grandma bones and muscles can't work anymore or what?" He challenged. There were a couple of oohs from the team.

"Tell you what," I clicked my tongue. "You get five state qualifiers from either or both teams. Just five total, and one state metal we'll race. Relays can count too."

"Oh, just that?" Brett snorted.

"Hey I only came to one practice I'm feeling generous," I chuckled.

"You're on KP," he sighed. "It was about time we get you out of retirement.

"If you do," I scoffed.

I didn't mention how long I was planning to stay in town either. Nobody really knew except Cal. I wasn't ready to tell anyone I wasn't planning to stay for much longer, but if the race could get them to actually give a shit about something and try. Who was I to tell them no? I just hoped I wouldn't be here long enough to find out.

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