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Chapter song: Cough Syrup- Young the Giant

She was swimming again.

I had to stop myself from dropping my bag and sliding to the floor. I felt my knees buckle anyway. Just to sit there and watch her in her element. She was always beautiful when she swam. It was an almost unexplainable beauty. Seeing the way her muscles contracted and moved with her.

It wasn't just her though. It was being able to see her doing something she cared about. How natural she was at it. There was a grace she carried as she swam. It was incredible watching her. I understood why people loved watching swimmers. It was magnetic about it. It seemed impossible that people could move through the water like that.

Holy shit I couldn't believe it. Since when did she start swimming again? I didn't think she ever would. Why did I feel myself getting worked up over it? I was proud of her.

I wiped the grin off of my face and found my way back to Ty's office. I barged in since his door was already open and threw my stuff on the chair next to me plopping down.

"Do you know who's downstairs right now?" I asked him folding my arms.

"Shawn White," Ty said swiveling to face me.

"Okay, now that would be sick, but no." I raised my brows, "Kenny."

"Oh I know," he said with no surprise.


"She started coming like two days ago. I sat and talked to her yesterday." He clicked a pen. "I think it's helping her."

"Yeah she always liked it to take her mind off things," I muttered rubbing my jaw.

I needed to shave but I wanted to wait a few extra days to have a clean shave before the wedding. Just a few more days, I could do it. It was driving me nuts though.

"Is that why you're up here," he smiled.

"That and also what are we doing for dinner?"

"You look so genuinely proud right now man. Don't even try to fight it." He teased. "Or change the subject."

Dammit I knew I shouldn't have come up here. He'll never let me live it down now. I should have just went home and fended for myself.

"Shouldn't we all be proud of her? I mean she dropped a sport years ago that she loved more than anything, and who knows if she ever got back in the water? Now she's using it as some sort of therapy or something. We should be proud of her."

He tilted his head thinking about it. "You're right. It is a pretty big thing."

"I know, that's why I said it."

"We're going to the wedding together."


Jesus. I really shouldn't have come up here. Oh the dread began to pool into my stomach thick and sludge like. I wanted to puke.

"Just as friends."

"Mhmm," I rubbed my jaw some more.

"Are you mad?" He raised brow tapping his pen.

"Am I mad that one of my best friends is going to a wedding of our other best friend with my ex girl friend that just so happens to be the groom's sister?"


"Did I forget to mention said ex girlfriend is the Maid of Honor, you're a groomsmen, and I'm the Best Man?"

"No, I think you missed that. Thanks for clearing it up."

"Oh this is messy," I sighed.

I bit back a laugh. It was the only thing I could do. There wasn't any jealously there. I don't know why I was feeling the way I did, but I couldn't help it.

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