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Chapter song: Nothings the Same- Alexander 23 & Jeremy Zucker


I didn't even know she broke up with Sam. I didn't know that was what happened with Sam.

Part of me wanted to hunt that mother fucker down and give him what he deserved. He never deserved Kenny and he knew that. It was why he said awful things to her. She was too good for him. For anyone. It wasn't okay to do that to her.

I remembered Liam mentioning how she had started dating some guy named Sam but that was all I knew. He never gave me too much information on her just the basics. I didn't bother asking either. It wasn't healthy.

He said that she seemed happy. I left it at that.

We had both tried to move on and start dating other people. I didn't know they had gotten that serious. I guess they hadn't since she didn't have a ring on her finger. It was one of those things you didn't think would actually happen because you thought it'd be you two in the end. I guess I'd been wrong.

I tried to move on I really did. I went on dates, but the only one I ever got serious with was Camilla. She's an amazing person, but she just wasn't the one I wanted to come home to every day. Knowing that deep down I couldn't keep seeing her. It wasn't fair to her.

I went back to the boys and handed each of them a beer before settling on the couch. I scrolled through my phone for a while trying to distract myself. I even played a round of Tetris between my round of games.

"Where's Mase?" Ty asked just as the doorbell rang.

"Well that's either him or pizza," I shrugged.

"Mason!" Kenny yelled from the doorway. It sounded like he picked her up.

"Why didn't you tell me you were back? And everyone else knows but me? How long?"

"Gotta save the best for last Mase." She giggled.


She giggled at Mason. Those two always got along well. Actually, he got along with both Riley and Kenny. I was never jealous of their friendship with him or any of the guys for that matter. But something inside my stomach lurched just now, and it was an unfamiliar feeling.

They even got along after Riley and Mason broke up. I snorted at that. It was a good thing they were cool about it and no one brought it up. Liam would probably pout about it even though he was about to marry the girl.

I still think it was good of those two to start dating. Even though it didn't last long. I think it's what made Liam realize he actually had a crush on Riley. I'm just glad we were all friends still. But Mason never really let things like that dwell on him. I wish I could be more like him in that way.

"You're right. I always knew I was the favorite but don't say it out loud. You might upset everyone else."

"We can handle it, Mase," Ty stated.

"He's just saying that," Kenny assured him.

"I think with some more time we might be able to come to terms with it," I looked at Mason. I didn't want to meet Kenny's eyes.

Not after what I overheard in the kitchen. I didn't mean to but I couldn't just walk in right then and there. I had to at least wait for a break in the conversation. Still, I intruded on the conversation and it was wrong of me. Did she know I heard?

"You say that McCormick, but you don't have to pretend," he smirked.

Kenny's eyes widened at Mason called me McCormick. It'd been a while since anyone used that name for me. Usually, it was reserved for her.

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