5. First Meet

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Divya Pov

Sandya and me arrive to our University. The University look so modern, big and sophisticated. It's look like palace.

I think I will have good time here. After completed all procedures of University Administration, the office clerk gives us key for our hostel room.

As we are the first administration of first year, we both given same room. Yippie, can this day become more better? I'm overjoyed with everything happen today.

Then, we walked toward our hostel room while admiring our surroundings. Wah! Our hostel look so beautiful and they even have bathroom inside for both of us. Good, that means I no need to wake up early for queue.

(Their room and washroom)

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(Their room and washroom)

Sandya and me clean, mopping and reorganize the room. Next, we both arrange and keep our belongings in our respective places.

We both actually become tired after 10 hours journey and all the cleaning arrangement work.

"I want to take shower and rest first and after that we can try to order something". Sandya said to me.

"Yea, you get fresh first as you look very tired and worn out". I said to her.

She said ok and move to bathroom. Before she went inside, I stop her and said that "I want take look around our University while you having bath, you know so that we won't get lost tomorrow".

She gave a me a questioning look but also agree to me to go out. She asked me to not roaming around for long time and come quickly.

I said " Yes madam", and playfully salute to her. I know she knew about my plan to play in rain. She always good to me, even sometimes she scold me but she never said no to me. That's why I love her so much.

I didn't know if I have real sister they will be like Sandya, but then I no need anyone as long Sandya is there for me. She is my only family just like me as her only family.

If it is any other day, I would sit quietly in room but today is special day. The day we both came to London, the day that I saw my mystery man coincidentally, the day that filled with so much happiness.

Therefore, I wanted to play in rain and get wet because i feel like it is blessing and welcoming rain from God.

While playing around and rounding around, I couldn't recognise where I'm standing now. I think I get lost. Great!. Let me tell you one thing about myself, I actually has no sense of direction and i couldn't get correct place even I am roaming at same place for 50 times. I'm not stupid, it's just for me everything look same and i couldn't identified the difference.

Forget about this, I need to go back to hostel before it's getting darker or Sandya will worried about me.

I were roaming and rounding at the same place for past 1 hour and still couldn't find way back to hostel. I already became very tired and my leg also pain as I do walk a lot today.

So I sit at near bench and calmly look for my phone to call Sandya and inform her, my bad luck I left my phone on my bed and forget to took along with me. As sky getting more darker, i thought to look around for anyone to help.

Unfortunately, there is no one around there because of raining. I sigh for my luck and started to find anyone to help me as it is impossible for me to find way back to hostel by myself. Again, I carelessly walk and walk but yet cannot find my hostel neither any human being here. I continue my walking to where my legs bring as I don't have any choice other than finding someone.

I stop at one big building, I think it is library. Oh yeah!, maybe I can find anyone from inside to help me. With that mind, I walk towards the entrance, I think I still have my luck with me as my eyes found a man come out from the building but he going to opposite side of me.

Without wasting anytime, I run to him for help by screaming wait. Luckily he stop after my screaming, with heavy breath I went to him and hold his hand as I scared he will go away.

Slowly I raised my face to look him, but I couldn't manage say a word since I froze after saw him. He is my mystery man!. Don't tell me that he also studying here too. Oh God! I felt so delighted and wonderful and my brain also agree with my heart this time by saying this is certainty God's arrangement. He is my fate.

As I was in my own dreamland, I forget about him. He snap his finger then only I came out from my thinking. His lip is moving? Why?. Oh! I think he saying something but I couldn't get what is that. I took deep breath and calming all my nerves and asked him to repeat back what he saying.

He raised his left eyebrow and looking me up and down while shake his head little. After giving me weird stern look, he ask me what I want and why I block his way?.

His voice so beautiful and i can listen to it all days without getting bore. I compose myself before went to another dreamland, I said sorry to him and explaining my situation that I got lost and need his help to back hostel since I couldn't find by myself. He release long breath and ask me to follow him.

On the way, I called him " Hey kind man, can i know your name, how old are you, what course you studying and which year?".

He look dumbfounded with my question and again shake his head but didn't saying anything though. He just help me to get back hostel without saying any words throughout the way. I said thank you but he didn't said anything back he just turn his back and leave. But im glad to able meet him.

After come to room, I found Sandya who look worried and panic and ready to go somewhere. I think she wanted to find me.

I called her softly, she turn her head immediately towards me. I wonder if her neck is ok?. Oh no, by looking at her face she look terribly angry also sigh relief and starting scolding me for playing in rain, look like wet dog, coming room very late and didn't bring the phone along. I guess she really angry this time. Hence, I instantly saying sorry and promise not to do again. She glare at me but nodding her head anyways.

I move towards bathroom to get fresh. After that, we both have our pizza and talking about tomorrow's orientation programme for first year.

After dinner, we both brush our teeth and say good night and went to our respective bed. Before i closed my eyes to sleep I smile by myself thinking about today's incident and wish to see him tomorrow.

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