8. Weirdo

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Arjun's Pov

I was doing my hospital report in my laptop at library and fon were vibrating indicating incoming call from Vinay. He ask me to wait for him as he want come to visit amaa.

Vinay like my own family member. He always in our home from young and technically we both grow up together. Amaa's conditions become much more better than previous year as she agree to do chemotherapy. At first, she didn't agree for my pleading but later after being persuade by Sandhana, she finally agree to it. Sandhana also my another good friend and she doing her MBBS at India.

I was in deep working, a sudden knock on my table break my focus. I raise my face from laptop to look at the disturber, saw the crazy rain girl. The girl that I helped yesterday to back to her hostel room.

For first meet, she do create deep impression. She is totally weirdo free spirited girl that I ever see. She playing in the rain like small kid, wandering freely at unknown place and get lost. Asking stranger's help to go back and at same time query to many unbelievable questions that anybody could ask a stranger.

At that time, I really wonder what she are and which planet she coming from.

Ignoring her, I continued my work and heard her voice by some weird questions again. She asked me something about 'Are you single, Do you have crush, what I'm doing here and blah blah. Seriously? Are this girl is real?.

I think something happen to her common sense. But I have to admit she really surprised me with her question but I able to manage myself. I glare at her so she can stop asking me weird questions.

She disregard my glare and start to knock the table again and again. It did annoy me but I didn't said anything and pretend like she not here.

Instantaneously, I heard big loud sound of book slammed and I turn to look at her angrily. She look happy as she able to get my attention. I just sigh helpless and frustrated with her behaviour, I took my belongings and shift to next table. She again follow me to my new table and it really annoyed me to the core but I control my emotions and look irritatingly at her with hope she understand my uninterested and let me do my work. She pay no attention to my glare and start asking her stupid questions.

Finally, all my patients worn off and I burst out. I shout at her angrily.

"Don't you have brain to think?, won't you understand a someone's uninterested behaviour?, can't you see that I'm ignoring you for past 20 minutes and don't want to hear a stupid ridiculous questions of you?, Are you that stupid to couldn't understood this my hidden gesture's meaning or you pretend to not understand?, Let me clarify to you, if someone is ignoring you means that they dont like to talk with you. NOW! I WANT YOU TO MOVE AND GET OUT FROM HERE. LEAVING ME ALONE!!! UNDERSTAND?. If not, you won't like the consequences and if you still disturbing me, I will complaint to library management and you will not able to enter library again".

I throw all the frustration words that comes in my mind. She look shock with her widen eyes and mouth agape as she couldn't process what had happened, I feel bad for shouting at her but she is the one made me to.

Then, I went to continue my work. I expect her to leave after my burst but she didn't. She took a seat in front of me and sit quickly. I could feel her intense gaze on me. I will glare her at time to time so she could look away but she didnt. She immune to my glare when most people scare of me with my one look. Didn't normally girls will get embarrassed if they get caught. I think she is special case, I would love to see and research about how her brain is working.

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