48. Handsome Hitler

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Divya Pov

It's been a month since I joining the works. Everything is fine except for Sadhana and Nidhiya aunty blackmailing.

Arjun is more worst that Hitler. He give me so much of works and didn't even give break to lunch also. I always have to be his side to do all his work.

He behave so formal and professional when comes to work. He also won't tolerate for single mistakes. What did he expect from me? I'm not genius like him. I am human and I do mistakes, that too a lot.

As soon I arrived at work, I need to make his tasteless bitter black coffee. Then, I need to fax files of yesterday's to clients or shareholders. Let me inform you, the faxing machines and photocopy machines were placed at second floor. So it means I need to walked a lot. Seriously! Why does they put things we need regularly at different places. Isn't it wasting times, and wasting energy?.

After that, I need to typing the meetings agenda or pending files that needed to be typed out. I also need to arrange meetings and take notes of important things they saying during meetings and transfer to computer. Finishing all this, I  have to arrange the files at cupboard according to alphabets.

Besides that, I needed to wait for him and follow him when he visiting his patients. I didn't know why he need me. It's not like I understand anything about medical terms they used or giving moral supports to patients. I also need to do SWOT analysis together with company progress. After that, I need to updates him and give a brief of today's working progress from all departments. Though some of work was something I did before but it's become unbearable with newly added work.

He asked me to do finance graph and checking spelling mistakes or typing error of previous report. I hate this. It's sound easy and simple but keep looking at same page intensely to finding the mistakes is very boring and it's make me sleepy.

Not enough with this, he asked me to assist Mr. Brown in his work. Sometimes I really wanted to beat Arjun for giving me too much of work.

He will glared at me throughout the day until he satisfied with the work again. I wanted to take back all the bad words I said to Mr. Cameron Brown. Arjun is much cruel than him when comes to work.

The only thing about Arjun was, he has soft corner towards me than others. He will let me if I told I'm very exhausted and feel sick. Just like before.

Me being myself will take advantages of his kindness. I would loitering or sitting around at his room whether his office room or his doctor room and relaxing myself without doing anything just eating.

I can feel he know about my tricks as it's something I tried before. But still, he let me though. Maybe he cannot see me looking tired and sick.

Well, I can be very difficult to handle when I was sick and he know this as he got babysitting me before. Probably he just don't want to do again. I also can be cranky when I am very tired.

Actually Arjun have a lots of snacks and fruits in his room as he have his own fridge in the room. But he won't eat any of that and I have no idea why he prepared all this?. Is it for me?. Because  only I finish all this and he seems didn't mind it.

Vinay and Sandya already back from their lovely honeymoons. Both of them will come to meet me at office. Actually it's my idea to asked them to meet me at here because I want to escapes from my work.

Arjun was busy today with his surgery so he couldn't join us but he gave me permissions to have fun with them.

I introduced Vinay and Sandya to Siddhart and vice versa. I thought they would like Siddhart but I can feel their distant behaviour towards Siddhart and Siddhart also look not concern as he only focus on me.

They both did talk to Siddhart but it's not as I expected. It's just feel like they accept him because I like him.

Divya don't misunderstanding anything. Maybe they still in their honeymoons mood and also not ready to trust him because they just meet him. It will takes time.

With that I ignored my uncomfortable feelings inside me.

We were talking about many random things and playing around. We played 'I dare You' game.  It's really good game where you need to be very bold and prepared for anything.

Like now, I was dared by Vinay as only we both were playing. He dared me to throw a bottle cap from our table towards a giant muscular bald man.

He really look very scary with his giant size body and his tan skin tone. So without wasting time, I throw the cap right into his head and pretend as it's not me.

He looking around to find the culprit. But me and Vinay pretend as we were discussing about something serious and oblivious to this. After searching for around 10 minutes, he give up and went out.

After his departure, we both burst into loud laughing remembering his expressions. It's really funny.

Sandya just shake her head as she is speechless and we both are not in right mentality. Siddhart look amused and adoring expressions.

My thoughts went to Arjun. If he was here, he definitely glare and scold for my immaturity and probably would tell the giant man about our stunt. I smile for my thoughts.

I already missing him. It's not even been half day I meet him. I think I become more crazy about him.

Nowadays, with his cold behaviour towards Sadhana and the rumours about us creates hopes on me to chase him again.

I know he didn't love me but still I can't control my feelings when he is around me. I really adored him so much.

I just couldn't understand him. Sometimes he treat me like a lover. He will come very near to me and touching me. Sometimes he treat me like a friend. He will smile and shared his days. Sometimes he treat me like an enemy. Scolding me and glaring at me. I just don't know what I am to him.

In the end, I still like him so much. Doesn't matter how much I tried to run away and avoiding him. It's always him make feel butterflies in my stomach and feel safe in your presence. I only thinking about him. He just conquer all of me like his treasury and I didnt hate about it. I couldn't be away from him so I will tried hard to be with him.

I would update twice today as I get day off 😎

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