14. Precious Moments

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Divya Pov

This year is last year for his batch so his classmate has organised trip to forest before they got busy. I don't know why jungle though, but its sound so interesting.

Many people from his batch didn't wanted to go so they offer to other batch too since they didn't have enough people.

My batchmates also didn't want to go. I look at Sandya and Aleena, persuading them to agree at me. Finally after persisting, they admit their defeat.

Later at library, I ask Arjun whether he also going to the trip. He said no as he didn't have time for all this. I pout for his reply and tell him that Sandya, me and Aleena are going. He just nod for that.

Today is last day to give name. As expected not many people are giving their names. They stop the giving name process as tomorrow we going to depart.

I surprised to see Arjun, Vinay and Aatharva at foyer next day while everyone waiting for bus. I think it must be Vinay did something. For the first time I'm happy for what that dingo did. We heard some briefings and they tell we will stay there 3 days 2 nights.

We all move into the bus. Sandya and Aleena sit together while I sit with Arjun. Vinay and Aatharva sit together. It was not me do the seating arrangement by the way.

Today I get know about Aatharva. He is sweet and an easy going person.

During the travel, Arjun and me didn't talk much as I busily playing with Vinay and Aleena.

We play guess the drawing (three of us will draw and other friends in bus will guess, who get the most correct answer is win). I won the game because I good at drawing.

Another game was 3 second games (You will given a word and you have to say related to that within 3 seconds, ex: APPLE -Green apple, Apple laptop, Apple pie) in this game Vinay won as me and Aleena are not brainy.

After reach, we ask to walk enter into the forest. Now we were in the middle of the most beautiful forest you can imagine. Tall trees, mountains, lake, valley and creeks were made more beautiful by the green vegetation as of on rain forest. The air felt so clean, like I was breathing pure oxygen for the first time. The smell was fresh and alive.

We got our tent pitched as the boys help us, gathered wood for campfire in the middle of the forest. Day time, we had so much of fun with fishing. We try catch fish using our hands and towels.

After dark we all shared the campfire, roasting some fishes and sharing each other funny stories and laughing around. Around 11.30pm something drizzle had started so we all went to our respective tent for sleeping.

In the tent, Sandya, me and Aleena are sharing. Since I have doubt about Atharva and Aleena, I ask her about that. When she heard Aatharva's name she blushing and deny at first time but after keep asked her finally she admit that she has crush on him since they were high school. Like this our first day was end.

Next morning, after had small breakfast, we went to look around and saw a canoe kept at waterfront.

So we three plan want to ride canoe. With so much struggle we three found enough energy to push off the canoes into the water.

While doing this, I accidentally stepped into a muddy rock and fell head into the water. I rose from the lake looking like a wet dog. My two kind hearted friend laugh at me rather help me. Later I also join them laughing because I also think my fall is very funny. We three sat there and laughed until we were having trouble breathing.

Then we went out on the water. There we met the boys(Arjun, Vinay and Aatharva) they also canoeing. They three look like pro and they gestures us to canoeing towards them.

We try to go but we couldn't find the correct way to padding, so our canoe is moving directionless way and with our poor paddling skills, the canoe flipped over.

The boys who saw our helpless canoe skill canoeing towards us as they realised it's impossible for us to went towards them. Seeing we felt into the water, they helping us to climbing back into the canoe. Even though it's a bit embarrassing as the boys laughing at us but still it's bring smile in our face in this experience.

After that, we all came back to have our food since we hungry and exhausted.

Later we all went to bike riding activity. Since we girls don't know how to ride the bike, we were ride together with the boys. I quickly went to Arjun and sit behind him in the bike. Aleena sit with Aatharva and Sandya with Vinay. For this, Vinay wink at me and I glare at him.

I'm so happy because I'm riding a bike with my love, I cannot believe this. This heaven feelings. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, lean towards him, while riding our bodies are moving in harmony with one another, it's like dancing. My body were pressed closely against him and I can feel the heat of his body. It's was my first time being closed to a man. I feel so giddy and romantic. This going to be my best memories.

At night, we all sit around the campfire. We build a nice small fire. We all sit together on a blanket with our sparkling juice and enjoying the warm glow of campfires.

Arjun took his guitar and playing some sweet melody creating more beautiful moments. I was stunned and impress with his skill and not to forget he look damn handsome under the moonlight. Everything around me looks blur except him. He is my centre of focus. I was observing him, his body language, grey hoodie, his dancing hair, his handsome features, his biceps and I could go on. Today he look so peace, happy and cheerful. Looking at him like that, bring smile on my face. My cheeks hurt like crazy because of that extra smile on my face. When he catches my gaze, he smile brightly. Oh! I just melting like an ice-cream. His smile and looks make me forget everything.

After that beautiful moments, we all retired to our tents. I couldn't sleep as Aleena snoring loudly because of tiredness. I am a light sleeper, I cannot sleep if there is noise or the lights is on.

So, I went out to look around and for some air. I saw Arjun sitting at grass and gazing at sky. I sit beside him and ask.

"Couldn't sleep?". He look at me and said "No, I just wanted to be alone and enjoying the nights".

I felt bad after heard him. "Umm, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to disturbing you, I just pass by and saw you. I would going back". I said and try to stand up but he hold my hand and ask me to sit back. I sit there quietly without uttering a word to not disturbing him.

The sky looks so beautiful with moonlight and stars. I don't know why I always like night sky more than day sky.

Breaking the silence, Arjun spoke "I feel so carefree, happy and peace this two days. I should thanked Vinay for persuading me to this trip".

I smile at his words and said "Yeah, I saw your expression it's didn't have your usual frown and stern look and I like this look on your face".

He stare at me and chuckled. He talk about many things such as why he doing business as second degree, why he choose neurologist, and he also talked about his mother. He close to his mother most and his mother always be there for him no matter how tired her day was or how busy she is. I just listening to him and I don't know what to say as I have no idea how it's feel like having a mother.

While I'm on my own thoughts, he suddenly said "My mother was diagnosed with brain tumour three years back and I'm so scared and worried about her".

I move closer to him, press my cheeks on his shoulder and hugging his arm. I expected him to push me away but he didn't.

So I said "Don't be, everything will be okay. Your mother is so strong and amazing. She would able to fight this and she won't like it if you worried like this for her. Although I don't know what is feeling to have mom but I can said that you have a wonderful mother".

He didn't said anything for this. We both sit there like that and admiring the night's.

Next morning, we went for a walk. Throughout the walk, I take a lot of pictures of sites and scenery. I also secretly take some pictures of him. This will give me a visual keepsake of our precious moments. So that I can cherish it forever.

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