chapter 3

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Aimen POV

"You know smiling to yourself like this in middle of night people might consider you crazy" a voice boomed breaking the silence of the night.

And I didn't have to turn my head to see who it was. The footsteps became louder and louder till the vacant seat opposite me.was occupied by Rayyan bhai with a plate of same food as me in his hand.
I grinned looking at the amount of food he brought and also cake which I forgot to get.

"Aren't you suppose to invite me before doing this on your own"he spoke in an accusatory tone.
"I wasn't doing any party out here. Didn't see the need to invite His Royal Highness " I sarcastically retorted back to him.
"Oh acha who is out here eating the food I bought. Tayi mumma ne sikhaya nah sharing is caring. "( didn't aunty taught you). He grumbled crunching on the slice simultaneously.
"Hump " I started eating and we began to talk about all the random things which probably made no sense if the third person would hear our conversation.

Our conversation were about how would things be if this or that would not have existed. Or how we could have pulled pranks in different scenario.

"Kabhi socha hain aapne ki agar hum related Nahi hote toh? Would we have ever met then?"
(Have you ever though what it would be like if we were not related)
I put forth a random question which popped in my mind.

He was taken aback by sudden questions.
Shrugging his shoulders, he said "I don't know if it was meant to be then we would have surely met if not no. From where do you get these crazy thoughts . Kabhi aise hi dimag padhai main lagaya hain?"
(Have you ever used your brain in class)

"Haww bhai, I top in my class and you are saying this, shh kabhi meri itni bezaati nhi ki"( nobody has insulted me this way)I dramatically placed my hand on my chest and pretended to be hurt.
Laughing it off we took the leftover inside and retired for the night.

The next morning, it was hustle bustle around with kids moving around with their wobbly legs and entertaining all of us.
All the cousins have gifted the couple a trip to Disney World in Florida as Sarah appi always wanted to visit. In a blink of an eye, the valimah was done and we were back to our routine.

Since I had completed my semester exams I was unoccupied with any work so I started my internship in bhai's company.
The first week was hectic to say the least as I was still trying to understand the dynamics of what my job required from me. Although I'm working in bhai company i could hardly every see as he is in the top floor. It was hilarious sometimes whenever I mistakenly overhear conversations among girls who would swoon over bhai. Listening to their conversation always make me gag.
But nonetheless, apart from those I enjoyed working.


Few weeks passed by since I started my job. My routine have completely changed before I would have plenty of time with twins to play but now I hardly does.

Today I've taken a day off,  to enjoy with the twins and it's a barbeque night. Maham appi is also going to stay in for the night.
Ammi is an amazing cook but for the barbeque it was hands down bhai and appi have the upper hand. Before bhai got married bhai and appi would take over the main course and me the dessert department  and now bhabhi helps with the dessert.

After the dinner we were seated in the patio , baba was sharing his life experiences and giving us seekh on how to look over certain situations. It was our daily routine that every night we sit and have some family time, and that really helps us in bonding and strengthening relations.

A while later when baba got silent Maham appi took mannat from imad bhai and took off her jacket which she had . We all were confused as to what she was trying to do.
It was bhabhi who first broke the silence in the room and took appi in a hug mumbling Masha Allah and congratulations simultaneously.

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