Chapter 19

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Prims pov

I woke up to sweet kisses on my face from Alec. I giggle with a small smile as Alec presses a soft kiss to my lips.

"Good morning darling" I giggle

Alec chuckles "darling you have been put for a whole day, your father wakes up soon"

"What" I shriek jumping up

"Bella said to let you rest" Alec nods "now get ready love so we can go to see your dad"

I nod happily running to my closet peeling off my clothes. I put on my Last name hungry. First name Always. Tank top knotted at the front with mid-rise jean shorts and green flannel. I put on black ankle socks before running out to find Alec in black flannel, a white t-shirt, and jeans. Gah, I forget how hot he looks in regular clothes. He smiles at me when he sees me.

"Hey let's go," He said holding out his hand

I take his hand and we head to the guest room that dad is staying in. When we enter I see Bella and Edward, Edward was already looking at the door when we entered.

"Prim is here Bella" Edward whispered in her ear

She looks up at us with a soft smile. I immediately went to her side. "When he wakes up I am going to have to leave aren't I," she asked softly

"No, I am going to wrap my shield around you" I state "Dad is going to want to see us both when he wakes up"

"As much as I don't like it she is right, and as back up Jasper and Emmett are going to be on stand by" Edward nods "I haven't been able to read chief's mind since he came"

My brows furry together "But you are normally able to read him clearly right?"

"No actually he's always been a bit statically" Edward shakes his head

"Maybe he has the shield gift like Bella and Prim" Alec commented

Before Edward could answer Alice flitted into the room with the others "He is going to wake up in a few minutes"

I nodded as Alec wrapped his arm around me. I took a deep breath willing my shield around Edward and Bella. Emmett and Jasper stood off in the back to seem less aggressive and Carlisle stood by me and Alec. It was quiet as we waited for my dad to wake up all you could hear was Dad's heart speeding up. Alec rubbed my shoulder soothingly while I chewed on my lower lip. Then dad's heart stopped as did my breathing.

"He won't wake up until he hears the girls" Alice stated quietly, "he thinks he is still at the Volturi"

"Daddy, It's Prim" I stated, walking over to his side holding his newly cold hand

"Dad your safe you can open your eyes" Bella added

As soon as Bella spoke dads eyes flew open revealing the bloodred newborn eyes. I give dad a small smile as his eyes flew across the room looking at everyone when his eyes landed on Alec.

"Your one of them" He snarls

"Dad look at me" I stood in front of my father "Whatever they told you it is not real at least not most of it"

"Chief Swan do you know what happened to you," Carlisle asks

"I was at home about to go to bed while the girl was gone when everything went black when I woke up I was in a cell with things speaking Italian? I think. They weren't human" dad shook his head "they kept talking about Prim. What do they want with my daughter and what hell are they"

"It's what we are dad" I smile softly "dad hasn't Billy told you about the cold ones"

"Yeah why" dad questioned "and what the hell do you mean we"

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