Chapter 9

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Prims pov

I sigh as I wake up. Alec had to leave last night and I have school today. This long-distance thing is going to suck but I want to be with Alec to its all worth it. Dad met Alec and took it fairly well when I told him we are dating. Even though he is a family friend of the Cullen's. I haven't taken the necklace off unless it was to shower or put on as a ring. Today I decide on a grey shirt that is knotted, light washed high waisted jeans, my checkered vans, and I put my hair on a messy bun. I also decided to ditch the contacts and put on my glasses today. I meet Bella and Edward downstairs grabbing me an apple and a granola bar.

"Lego weirdos and get this show on a roll" I grinned

"Hey, Prim wanna come over to the Cullen's with me after school?" Bells asked I had gotten dad to unground us

I shake my head "I have wolf training after school"

Bella sighed and nodded before the drive went quiet. I know Edward thinks shifters are dangerous but we aren't any more dangerous to Bells then he is. I yawn stared outside the window while the two up front talked a bit. School went by easily and kinda slow. I was just excited to get to the res. I haven't phased in a few days and I dying to phase. Went school ended I found the others.

"Hey can you tell Edward and Bells I'm heading to the Res in wolf form," I asked Alice and Jasper

"Yes we can" Alice smiled "Have fun and be safe"

I smiled and nodded running into the forest phasing into my wolf after putting my clothes in my bag. I had packed work out clothes as well so I didn't have to work out in my school clothes. Soon I was at Emily's house. I phased back and put on my work out clothes on. My work out clothes consist of a black sports bra, black Nike leggings that go down to my knee, and grey loose work out top. 

I walked into the house that is basically a second home to me

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I walked into the house that is basically a second home to me. I laugh as I heard some of the arguments "Why are you guys arguing about hair" I asked amused 

"Don't ask" Sam groaned rubbing his face "Let's get to training, you guys"

I chuckled shaking my head following the boy outside. The training was simple and mainly done in human form, but there was sparing and I did pretty well which surprised the others. Soon when it was a sunset I ran home in wolf form. I walked up the drive and through the front door. Dad was sitting in the living room. 

"Heya pops" I chirped now in my regular clothes

"Hey kiddo, how was the res and school" Dad smiled 

"Well school was boring and the res was fun" I smiled 

"That's good kiddo" He replied and pecks the side of my head

I smile getting up "Night daddy" 

I skip up the stairs dropping my bag off up in my room before going to Bella's room. I skipped inside and plop onto her bed and she looked at me amused "So why so perky?" Bella asked

"Cause me and you are going to the res... Now before your vampy boyfriend see" I smirked

her eyes widen and she grins quickly putting on her shoes and I open her window. I jumped out first then she did. I caught her before we ran into the tree line were I phased. Bells jumped onto my back and I bolted off towards the treaty line. Once I get pass the treaty line I spot and phase back putting on my clothes. 

"We are going to Billies and having a bomb fire with Jake and Quil"

"Sounds fun" Bella grinned "Maybe we can go swimming"

"Bella no, the water's are too cold tonight" I stated

Bella pouted and nodded "Fine"

I giggled and slightly nudging her as we continued walking. I grinned when I see the firelight. Looking over at Bella I smirked, "race ya!" 

"Hey, you cheat!" She exclaimed running after me 

I giggled as I ran to the boys. I wasn't running at full speed either. If she wanted to she could probably pass me. As I got closer I jumped onto Quil's back while it was turned "Boo!"

Quil laughed as did Jake and Bella came panting a few seconds later "That is unfair your part wolf"

I shrugged "I was going slow Bells" 

The boys chuckled at our bickering "Hey Bells long time no see"

"Hey guys" She smiled and hugged them

We then went on to playing around and having fun for a while. Sadly it ended too soon because we have school tomorrow and Bella was getting a bunch of calls from the Cullens as was I. We said bye to the boys before I phased and Bella jumped on my back and I ran us home... where Edward was waiting. I sighed phasing back. Me and Bells walked to him together. 

"Heh hey Eddie" I grinned weakly 

"Primrose Frey what were you thinking taking Bella pass the treaty line" He scolded me

I looked down "I... I wanted my sister to be happy..."

"Edward stop it I wanted to go" Bella interjected 

"You don't get it Bella their wolves they could hurt you" He growled

I whimpered backing away "I would never hurt my sister... or allow her to hurt by any of them" 

"Prim I di-" He started

"And the fact that you think you always know what best because of your an antique" I growl backing away more "It pisses me off Edward Anthony Masen Cullen my sister is her own fucking person so fucking deal with it" 

After I said that I ran into the woods in human form. I ran as far as possible not really sure where I was going. Soon I came to a stop and sat on a log just as my phone rang. I smiled softly as I saw it was Alec quickly answering it.

"Alec... Hey" I whispered

"Mio amore what's wrong your sister sent me a message saying you ran off" he asked worry in his voice

"Bella wanted to hang out with Jake so I snuck her out against Edwards wishes and we had a bomb fire on the res... when we got back Edward was mad... he was talking about me and my pack brother and sister like I wasn't even there. I got mad and called him an antique while dropping a couple of f-bombs before running off so I didn't phase and hurt Bella" I rant as angry tears rolled down my cheeks "I wish you were here and could hold me"

"mio caro go home and put on my hoodie I left you remember and I am going to have some words with Edward" He responded softly 

"Okay Alec" I sighed slowly getting up "I miss you"

"I miss you too my love... so much" he responded "Text me as soon as you get home and we can facetime till you fall asleep mio amore"

"Okay, Alec... I call you in a minute" I sighed

With that, we hung up and I ran home. I decided to sneak into the house from the living room window and I ran to my room as quickly as I could. I texted Bella I was home and in my room and I will talk to her in the morning. I quickly dressed in his hoodie and some PJ shorts. I laid in bed before calling him. I instantly smiled when I saw his face.

"Alec" I sighed happily

"Hello love" He grinned "You need to sleep I know you're tired I see it in your eyes"

I nod as I yawn and mumble sleepily "Okay... I love you, my Alec"

He smiles brightly "I love you too my Primrose"

I smiled and let my eyes fall close with him humming softly to help me sleep.


1363 words-love wolfie

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