Chapter 18

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Primrose pov


I'm laying in a field of daisies watching three little kids play, two girls and one boy. Alec is chasing them around but too quickly the scene changes. It's morphed into the Volturi castle. I walk around slowly hesitantly. At first, everything is dead silent until I hear screaming. I race towards the sound only to fall to my knees with tears as I watch the Volturi members torture my father. I let out a blood curtailing scream

"No stop leave him alone" I shout to no avail

I try hitting some members and it works. I ripped off one of their arms and ripped the head of the other. I start slipping away to another scene. I'm placed in front of Jane who is locked in a cell.

"Jane" I whisper She looks so scared and shaken up. I quickly look around and unlock the cell. Jane looks at me confused. "common hurry before I wake up"

Grabbing her hand I thought about teleporting us to the house. I sighed in relief when I appear there "Prim? How-"

"no time and I don't know now go" I urge as I faded again

-Dream ends-

I gasped awake jumping up out of Alec's arms I raced outside to look for Jane. Alec and everyone followed me. Sighing in relief I saw Jane standing where I left her. "Jane!"

Jane turned around quickly looking at her brother and I "P-prim Alec" she exclaimed running towards us and hugging us tightly dry sobbing. I'm then pulled into a vision.


I stand in a crowd surrounding two crosses and it has the people on it. People were shouting 'kill the witches' 'they must pay' 'burn the witch twins' I must be in really old times because of everyone's old-fashion clothing. Confused I looked closely at the crosses gasping in horror as I see my love and his sister tied to the crosses. Jane was sobbing and Alec looked like he wanted to but was being brave for his sister. They both struggled against their ropes as the people lit the crosses. That when Aro and his guards show up. The townspeople were killed as Aro saved the twins.

-Vision end-

I gasp jumping away looking at Jane and Alec with wide eyes. Edward let out a quiet gasp as well. They both looked at me with confused faces. Silent tears were streaming down my face. Rosalie came up and touched my shoulder.

"prim are you okay?" she asked

"Rose no-" he called at the same time, I'm then sucked into another vision


I'm pulled into the streets of I think somewhere in New york. I saw a human Rose walking in the streets. Oh, this must be before she was turned. She was walking holding her jacket around herself. As she was walking past a group of men she was stopped. After they started talking one of the men tried to take her clothes off. "Rose no" I screeched frozen to my spot as the men surrounded her. I started sobbing as Rose's screams and cries echo in the vacant area. Once the men are gone Rose is left on the ground not clothed and shivering from the cold and fear covered in her own blood. Not long after but as Rose was close to death Carlisle came and rescued her.

Vision ends

I gasp back to reality backing away looking at Rosie in horror "Rosie..."

"No one touches her, her gifts are untrained she is seeing the past by touch. She's seen the twins and Rosalie's so far. She doesn't know how to turn it off" Edward exclaimed "Bella, Rose, Jane, and Alec are safe but everyone else stays away for now"

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