Chapter 10

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Prim's pov

I woke up to a knock on my door. I sighed getting up slowly and lazily. Taking a deep breath I smelt Bella. Letting out a sigh of relief I opened the door. Bella walks in and sat on my bed.

"I'm driving us to school today okay?" Bella smiled

I sighed and shook my head "No you go with Edward, I know you want to"

"Nope, Edward is getting the silent treatment" She grinned cheekily

I raised my brow and giggle "oh boy is he in for it"

She smiled and nodded "Okay get dressed imma make us a light breakfast"

I nodded and walked into my closet putting on some black skinny jeans and a soft blue cropped hoodie with a floral vine design on the sleeves. I threw on my Adidas as well putting on my promise ring as a necklace before running down the stairs. I squealed when I saw smoothies.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked grinning

"Only once or twice" she chuckled "now let's get to school before we are late"

I nodded snipping on my smoothie, Bella's in her hand. Edward was waiting outside with a confused look. Bella and I went and got into the truck. Heading to school leaving a very confused Edward who tailed us the whole time. Once we arrive at school Bella parked away from the Cullens. On our way to school, I had texted the others about what happened and they are ignoring Edward as well. Alice and Jasper meet us by the truck. Alice giving me a big hug. Edward then came over to us. Jasper stands in front of us mainly me.

"Bella, Prim I'm sorry for what I said last night, please forgive me, please talk to me" Edward begged

I looked down before looking back up with a smirk "I forgave you when I woke up, just had to make you suffer a little bit"

He chuckled shaking his head pulling me into a hug "Good"

I hug him back "Welcome to the family Eddie boy but being in this family means learning to deal with shifters"

Afterward, we all went to our classes. The Cullens were shocked that I shared classes with them making Bella and I laugh. At lunch, we sat with Bella's friends. 

"So Prim how come you don't have a boyfriend or is it one of the kids on the res," Jess asked

"I have a boyfriend, no he doesn't live on the res" I replied with a raised brow "He lives in Italy, what's it ta ya"

"Italy really? Common if you don't have a boyfriend don't lie about it" Lauren scoffed

I rolled my eyes but scrunch my brows confused when my phone rings and Edward smirks, I look at the caller ID and It's Alec I chuckle lightly under my breath. I answer my phone with a smile "Hello love" 

"Ciao amore Mio" Alec responded, "a brother of yours told me someone didn't believe you have a boyfriend" 

"That would be true, mind if I put you on speaker," I asked just hearing his voice made me smile

"Yes love" He chuckled "How many boys are at your table"

"Um about 4 in including my brothers" I hummed "You're on speaker"

"Okay everyone listen up please inform your school that Primrose is taken and off the market" Alec informed firmly over the phone "I would do it but sadly I live in Italy and can't do it on my own"

Larens jaw dropped and she gets up and leaves with a huff. I giggled when Alice chirped "I'm throwing a party"

"A party at your house?" Jess asked

"No ones ever seen your house" Mike stated

"Um Bella and I have" I grinned 

"It'll be fun" Alice chirped

"After all how many time do you graduate from high school" Jasper grinned cause us to smile a little 

"Really Alice another party" Bella sighed

"It will be fun" She nodded

"That's what you said last time" Bella stated

"I'll be there!" Alec exclaimed from my phone

"Wait you will" I grinned

 "Of course I have to be there for my girl" He chuckled "Sorry love I have to go, Father is calling me"

"Alright love" I sighed

"I love you Prim" 

I blushed "I love you too Alec" 

With that said we hung up me still with a huge grin on my face. Mike was about to speak but the bell rings. I jump up grabbing Alice's hand who had gone into a vision. I pulled her and Jasper away.  Once out of the lunchroom her vision ends.

"What did you see Alice" Japer asked

"It was Victoria" Alice frowns as I scowl

"She still after my sister" I growl shaking

Alice and Jasper quickly drag me outside into the woods to trying to calm me down. Shaking I take a deep breath pacing the ground as Alice and Jasper watch me and Jasper sends calming waves. I give him a soft smile in thanks. I laid down on the floor looking at the sky.

"We can't tell Bella she'll want to help but she can't" I mumbled

"Edward is getting her out of Forks and going to see your guys mother," Alice told me and I nodded

"I wan to help" I state looking at them "I am not Bella, I am not weak or timid and I can go between the treaty line you guys can't and she probably doesn't even know I exist" I started rambling

"Okay but I want to give you some training if you don't mind" Jasper nodded

I looked up at him and smiled brightly "Of course!"

We all head back to school meeting the other at their cars. Bella looks at me worried and I give her a smile. Bella, Edward, and I get into Edwards Volvo to go meet dad at the station. I sit in the back opening my thoughts pushing them towards Edward. 'I know Victoria is coming but I am staying and helping whether or not you like it. Jasper is going to train me'  Edward looked at me and nodded slightly. After that, I look out the window watching the beautiful scenery. Soon we arrived at the station and we all climbed out. Heading to the door as Edward and Bella talked about Alice's vision. Soon Edward turned the convo. I zoned out already knowing why that couple is here. 

"It is still us three right?" I heard dad breaking my thoughts 

"Uh yes sir I'm just dropping them off" Edward nodded as he backed down the stairs "Oh uh Bella Carlisle and Esme wanted me to remind you about those tickets... Go see your mother"

"tickets what tickets," Charlie asked 

"Uh they both them for me on my birthday" Bella nodded "And I just can't drop everything and go"

"They expire soon" Edward stated "this might be the last time to see your mom after graduation"

Bella nodded "Yeah, it might be nice to see mom... Only if you use the 2nd tickets" 

"there's a 2nd ticket... super" Dad mumbled walking to the cruiser Bella and I following him.

I share a look with Edward and nodded jumping into the passenger side before Bella and grinning "I ride in back all the time with you and your boyfriend"

Bella grins and rolls her eyes and dad laughs as us. The rest of the day was spent in peacefulness with the family. 


I know I say this a lot but I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG

1267 words- love wolfie

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