chapter 4

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Prim's pov

It was dark and I didn't know why. All I remember was the red eyed stranger, bella calling my name, and the oddly familiar deep brown eyes. And I keep getting blurry visions.

".... Come one Prim you need to wake up... Please I need my baby sister"

Slowly I was able to start to feel my body again. Slight flexing my finger mumbling "be..... el... La... Bella"

"Rosie!" Bella gasped my nickname from when we were younger

"Mar" I smile softly as my eyes slowly open looking at my sister.

"oh I was so worried" she jumps and hugs me making me laugh

"it takes alot more than that to put me down" I laugh getting up and stretching rubbing my eyes. "how long was I out"

"all night it about 7ish dad is still making me go to school" she sighs

"welp if your going I am to" I say getting up and out of bed and dressed before she protests.

"When did you get tattoos" bella asked confused

"oh uh after you left" I said as come out of my bathroom. Grabbing my bag I said "let's go!"

Running outside to her truck I jump into the passenger side waiting for her. She jogs out of the house and climbs into the driver's seat.

"dad said to carry this for your safety" bella informed me handing me a small pocket knife.

Sighing I nod taking it "oh dad is protective"

"I have to carry pepper spray" bella sighs

Laughing after that I turn on music and we drive to school singing along. You see there's a side of Bella that only comes out when I'm around. Pulling up to the school she sighs getting out me shortly behind her. All eyes on us. Bella throws her arm over my shoulders.

"let's get your schedule and slip thing" Bella told me while we walk towards the office I think.

"let's do this!" I laugh Bella smiles and nods.

As expected me and bella shared classes. And school goes by quickly. Before we know it we are on our way home.

"well that was uneventful" Bella laughed while I nod.

"yea it was" I laugh "get bells I'm lay down for a bit oki?"

"okay love you sis" she smiles hugging me and kissing my forehead. "rest well lil sis"

"I will, love you too mar" smiling I head to my room and crawl into my bed. Finally I let sleep take over me.

*after she wakes up*

I hear mumbling from bella's room and that's what wakes me up. Getting up I go down to bella's room but stop by her door.

"me and you just us we can runaway" I heard bella say bring tears to my eyes.

"as much as I like that idea I can't. You can't either.... You just got Prim back....... She'd be heartbroken" I heard a male voice say

Slowly opening the door "you were gonna leave me again" my voice cracks as I shake "how why" I look up at her my eyes filled with pain.

She gasped "Prim your eyes- their glowing"

Heat was taking over my body as tears poured down my face. My body was shaking violently.

"oh god, Sam warned me about this" Jake muttered "Prim lets go out-"

Before he can finish I go outside and I heard foot steps behind me. Heavy ones so I know it's Jake. Before I'm in the middle woods I fall to the floor screaming as my bones seem to break. I feel someone really hot pick me up.

"it's gonna be okay Prim I got ya" I heard jake whisper as I scream again.

I feel Jake set me on the floor. And I heard other voices. (italics will be mind link)

"It's a new shifter!" I heard someone exclaim

"w-what who are you!" I whimper looking down seeing I now have paws "what's happening to me!"

"it's another girl!" someone gasped "someone get Leah!"

"it's the younger Swan" I heard Jake say

"woah no way, a Swan?!" someone based.

"what do you all want I was sleeping" a female voice say

"there's a female shifter" really deep voice says "you need to help her"

"fine who is she"

"Primrose Swan" jake said "she's the youngest"

"how old is she"

"I'm 15" I muttered weakly

"oh crap she's Seth's age" Leah gasped then I see a tannish white wolf in front of me. "woah guys she's pure white"

A bunch gasped are heard along with murmurs. Then a picture of a white wolf with a black marking is shown.

"okay Primrose I need you to picture in your mind what you would look like in your human form okay?" I heard the female voice Leah "you'll be naked as well so I have a shirt for you to wear when you shift back"

Nodding I do as told picturing my human form. Slowly but surely I'm me again. And in my birthday suit! Leah handed me a shirt that I quickly put on

"thanks" I mumble "what am I"

"we call ourselves shifters" Leah told me

Nodding my head I said "so I can turn into a really big wolf"

"in sense yes" Leah nods "your taking this alot better then the rest of us"

"how many are there?" I asked tilting my head

"um there's Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth, and me..... So um 8 but including you would be 9" she hums thinking before nodding.

"wow" I breathed

"and we are the only girls" she added making my eyes widen.

"what?!" I squeaked

"yeah it's mega rare for girls to phase" she nodded

Nodding I notice the sky and quietly scream "dammit I need to get home, dad will freak if I'm not home"

"when you do be careful with your emotions okay?" Leah told me

I nod running back to my home climbing up the house into my lucky open window. Once I'm inside I'm momentarily am shocked I climb my house.

Edited~1010 words

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