11. Dirty, Dirty Feelings - ✭ Boston ✭

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I had no idea what sight-seeing in Nashville was all about and I had told Monica we'd be doing a day of it. Thankfully, she'd wanted to ignore me as much as possible this morning so when I slipped down to a complimentary breakfast, which she'd declined, I planned our day.

After going through my phone, googling a bunch of shit, I was able to set up some touristy activities. I had purchased tickets for an array of different activities and booked us a fancy dinner. I kind of wanted to impress her, especially after how she'd impressed me last night.

God the noises she makes are to fucking die for. More accurately, ejaculate all over myself for. But that's neither here nor there.

I haven't been able to get her little whimpers out of my head. Well, sort of. Her excited clapping and overall enjoyment when we were on our trolley tour was something that had resonated with me as well. I found myself smiling every time she smiled, even though I did not give a single shit about any given attraction. Something in me was happy that I had been able to make her happy.

This girl is turning me into a sap.

"You know, I've never been to a wax museum." She says round a mouth of caramelized popcorn. "This is a first for me."

"Seems like I've been giving you a lot of firsts." She side eyes me and I throw my hands up with, "you can't say it isn't the truth." She glares. "Back to wax museums. I've been. There's one not far from where I grew up." I snatch a handful from the bag of popcorn and toss it in my mouth.

"Really?" She frowns slightly. "I'm just now realizing that I have no idea where you grew up. I actually don't even know where you're from. How have we spent hours in the car together and not discussed this?"

Before she can think too hard about that, or even start having doubts about last night, I tell her, "I am from Las Vegas, Nevada. Sin City."

She snorts out a laugh. "Yeah, that sounds about right. My brother and his wife lived in Vegas for a little while but they're back in Massachusetts. His wife is more of an east coast kind of gal."

"And what about you? What kind of girl are you?" I'm genuinely interested in what kind of place she sees herself living.

"I don't really know. I was up to moving to Virginia." She doesn't add that it was her boyfriends idea. "I love Boston."

"Oh do you, now?" I quirk a teasing brow. "It's only been a few days, sweetheart, and you're already falling head over. Don't get too attached." Don't know why I tagged on that last part.

"You know what I mean." She gives my shoulder a little shove. "I love where I'm from but it's not like I have to stay there. Not like my father. Like my father would never leave. The east coast is his home, specifically Boston. What about you?"

"I've always seen myself staying in Nevada or possibly moving to California. I'm definitely a west coast kind of guy." She nods her head.

We come alongside the building and enter, Monica shoving the popcorn in her purse as we do. When asked for our tickets I pull the printed sheets out of my pocket and hand them over before Monica can pay for hers. She looks at the tickets curiously and then at me after we get our admittance.

"Were you planning this trip with someone else," she asked as we started walking around. I shake me head no. "Then why do you have two tickets already printed out?"

"I bought them this morning." I admitted, truthfully. "I wanted to have a day out on the town with you and I didn't want to have to wait in line for tickets and shit."

"At least let me pay you back?"

I let out a laugh. "Absolutely not. Money isn't an issue for me, Monica." Not even in the least but she doesn't need to know about my family's status. Probably better I'd met her where prying eyes aren't. Where she's oblivious to all of that.

ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝔾𝕝𝕠𝕨 ➃Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon