29. Favor For Favor - ✭ Boston ✭

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I twirl my phone around on the table by tapping the corner of it. I'd waited to make this call because I didn't want to make it, to ask certain favors of my father, but I had to.

I want to bring Monica to Vegas for her birthday. I want to surprise her by sharing my life with her. I want to lavish her with nice things, with some luxury, on her day. Flying Monica on my father's private jet was definitely a way to do that. Well, one of his private jets.

Technically he'd told me they were at my disposal whenever I'd like to use them, but I'm pretty sure that deal flew out the window the day I decided to use my trust to open up a shop. Not just that, I used it to move out and buy myself a house.

I am used to finer things in life. Hell, I grew up with them. I may not want to walk in my father's shoes as far as the business part goes, but having nice things is definitely not something I'm above. In a strange way, I want to get Monica's take on it— my life, what I do when I'm not with her. She has yet to see me in my own element.

I figure part of her birthday weekend could be spent showing her my life and everything that comes along with that. The shop. The home. My friends. My family. Everything that makes me me. I want her to know it all, to want it all.

That being said, I am a bit uneasy to bring her here because being a Rearick hasn't always been easy. It's shown a light on me and my family my entire life. If Monica wants to be a part of it then she'll have to get used to that too. She's not like girls like Coraline, girls who want to bask in the limelight, enjoy the attention; use it and me.

What if she wants nothing to do with you after coming to Vegas? What if she wants nothing to do with your lifestyle? That's not going to happen. Monica loves me. I know she'll take the good with the bad. But how can you be certain? Because I would for her. What if she ends up using you? She wouldn't. She would never.

I grab my phone while internally telling my mental voice to go and fuck itself. It's been having me second guess way too much shit lately. I scroll down to my father's name and press it. Glancing at my reflection in the window beside me, I wait for him to pick up.

"Boston, what can I do for you, son?" I hate that he sounds like he already knows why I'm calling. Because you usually only call him to ask for something. True.

"I have a favor to ask you." I'm met with silence. I continue, "it's my girlfriend's birthday next weekend and—"

He interrupts with, "you are still with Monica, then." Why does his voice sound so perturbed by that fact?

"Yes, we're still together." More silence. "I want to fly her out here for her birthday, take her out for a night on the town. I wanted to make it special so I was wondering if—"

"You want to use one of the jets."

If he would let me fucking finish. 


"I'm surprised you haven't just bought one at this point. You've spent all of my money so frivolously."

" I always thought it was my money, to better myself and build my future. At least that's what you had always said to me while growing up."

"Well, do you think you have done that with the funds provided?"

"Maybe not in the way you wanted or expected. Maybe I don't wear a tailored suit and lord over people, but yes, Rhoen Rearick, I did that." He hates when I call him by his full name, but if he insists on trying to subtly mock me, then two can play at that.

"You know me. As you have pointed out— I'm a man who's all about business. So let's talk business. I have a proposition for you." Of fucking course he does. "You know I have the annual gala coming up. It usually takes place in November but I made some changes and am planning to do it on Halloween this year. You know, since it lands on a Saturday evening and whatnot." I can see him leaning back in his chair and waving offhandedly in my head.

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