49. Here With Me - ✭ Boston ✭

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I close her hotel room door with a frustrated sigh. I'm hurt, angry, sad, horny. A lot of fucking things right now. I really do mean it when I tell Monica that she makes me feel all of the things. She really does. All of them. Whether I like those specific feelings or not.

"Aaron?" I freeze at the sound of his voice.

This has got to be a joke. Of all the hotels, all of the bars, and all of the fucking hallways...

This is my luck.

I turn to see a confused professor a few feet away from me. He's looking between me and the door like he's trying to put the pieces together. I take a couple of steps toward him, until I'm far enough way from the door that Monica can't hear me.

I point to myself saying, "the loser who married her but can't give her the future she wants." His brow knits together, looking even more addled than before. "I'm her husband, Boston, not some guy named Aaron. The girl I'm still hung up on?" I point to the door, "well, that'd be my wife, Monica, the woman you're currently trying to get to fall for you."

"Did Monica know you'd be in town or something? She told me you live in Las Vegas." According to Vikki, I still should be, but no, I'm here. Because this is my luck.

"It's one hell of a fucking coincidence, actually. Kismet, if you will." It's always fucking kismet with Monica. "Although, the two of us do have some rather fond memories here." His features tell me he doesn't like that. "What I said to you at the bar wasn't a lie. I'm in town to open up a new shop that's why I'm staying here." I gesture to the hotel around us.

"So, then, what the hell were you doing in her room? How did you even know what room she's staying in?" He checks his watch and his features harden. "Especially at this hour."

Oh he's getting angry now.

"I wasn't doing her, if that's what you really want to ask." I wouldn't have been opposed to it, which makes me add, "we are married, though, so I don't think us having sex should really be that much of an issue for you." He just glares at that because it is most definitely an issue for him. "No need to get your panties in a twist, professor, I was just having a long overdue conversation."

"You two finally getting divorced, then?" I could punch him in the face.

"Unfortunately for you, no, no we're not. But we're still separated." He looks relieved. "Be careful with her, professor. Don't break her heart. She doesn't need another person doing that to her." I go to walk around him but he grabs ahold of my arm. I look down at his firm grip, wanting to grab his wrist and tear it off of me.

"Why lie to me at the bar? Why try and get to know me if you already knew who I was?" He sounds irritated and I don't blame him. I'd hate to see my semi-girlfriend's husband walk out of her hotel room too. This really is the oddest of situations.

"If you knew I was her husband there's no way you would've told me you almost fucked her, would you've?" I jerk my arm out of his grasp when he just stares at me blank-faced. "I didn't think so. You seem like a decent enough guy, Derek. Don't fuck with her or I will fuck you up." I don't let him respond before walking away from him.

I hate the fact that I'm walking away from a guy who's about to walk into Monica's room. Who knows what will happen after he does. Would she sleep with him like she said she was going to? Could she do that after seeing me? After I'd held her in my arms? Knowing Monica— probably not.

After what had transpired between us I know there will be no falling into Amanda's bed any time soon, if ever again. Because seeing her again awakened all those feelings I thought I'd shoved far down, brought them all to the surface. The anger I'd been feeling for both her and myself turning into something else entirely with her standing directly in front of me.

ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝔾𝕝𝕠𝕨 ➃On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara