27. Dirty Chats - ✭ Boston ✭

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"Yeah I don't know what to get her. I'm completely fucking lost." I wipe the ink away from Vikki's thigh before continuing with the piece. "It's her first birthday with us being together, so I want it to be special."

"You like this girl an awful lot, don't you?"

I don't look up at her. "I don't just like Monica, I love her."

"So you've said a million times. I just don't understand being in love with someone you just met. It makes no sense to me." I can't imagine love means much to someone like Vikki. She jumps from bed to bed, leaving feelings at the door.

"It's a good thing it doesn't have to make sense to you, then." Vikki's always been the more levelheaded of the two of us whereas I'm more impulsive. My impulsivity landed her a job here with me though.

"You know," she pops her gum, "she really is hot though." I pause and glance up to see her looking at her phone. "That tit and eye combination though, mm mm mmmm. Delicious. Bet she tastes delectable."

"She doesn't play for your team." At least I don't think she does. She didn't give me the vibe that she goes both ways.

Vikki gives me her notorious cocky smile. "Oh she hasn't met me, lover boy. If she thought your tongue game was on point then she'd be in heaven with me." As if to accentuate the point she rolls her tongue over her lips. "I'd put your weak ass tongue-punching to shame."

"Welp, looks like you'll be finishing this piece yourself." I point down at her half-done tattoo.

"Oh take a joke, Boston. I won't eat your girl out. Not unless she wants me to, that is. If she asks I'll be happy to give her a proper seat." Seat on her face.

"If that ever did happen just remember my cock has been all up and over that pussy. That it's had my hot sticky cum all inside of it." She grimaces. "Yeah, think about that every time you think about my girl's pussy being in your mouth."

"You're fucking disgusting." She clicks her phone off and pockets it. "And did you just say you boned her without a condom and came in her?"

"May have happened a few times, yeah." I've been trying not to think about it because all it does is give me anxiety.

You are way too young to be a father. Don't I know it. My father was my age when he and my mother had me though so... No. She's on birth control. But what if she still gets pregnant? Fuck. I'm such an idiooot.



"You are zoning the fuck out with a tattoo gun right above my thigh." Right. "You want to call it a night? It's been a long ass day."

"I'll finish the outline and then I think I'm going to go home. You're right it's been a long day." I pick up where I left off.

"You're worried you knocked her up, aren't you?" I try not to flinch away from her words. "Probably shouldn't have raw dogged her then."

"You know Vikki, you're not fucking helping." I let out a sigh of frustration. "Anyway, forget about that. She's on birth control so I'm not going to worry about it." She doesn't say anything to that for a little while which is entirely unnerving because she usually can't stop talking. "You're too quiet. It's weird."

"I'm just thinking about your birthday present situation." Interesting because her tone would suggest she's thinking about something else.

"What about it? Please tell me you have an idea of what I should get her since it's only a week and a half away." I was a mixture of panic and excitement. Panic because I don't know what to get her and I'm scared I may have given her a child. Excited because I can't wait to have her in my arms again.

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