47. Cheers To Moving On - ✭ Boston ✭

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I walk around the empty space, the one that used to be a barber shop, inspecting it thoroughly. It's nicer than the online ad had made it out to be. The floor is already like my shop back in Vegas, I could see myself easily transitioning back and forth between locations. Maybe I'd relocate entirely, who knows.

I had the money to invest in a new place, expand my business. I even had the name for the shop if I decided to buy it too— Love Me Tatted. A play on an Elvis song was appropriate for Nashville, or as I've been told it's referred to, NashVegas.

I'd made up my mind before I came here though, regardless. I was going to open up a shop even though I told Vikki I was just scoping it out. She wasn't too keen on me going to a place that would remind me of a certain someone but I didn't care. I wanted a reminder because I want to finally get over her.

It's been five full months with no contact, none, not that she could contact me unless she got a new phone, but still. She was doing her thing, whatever that may be and with whoever, and I've been doing mine. If she had really wanted to get in touch with me she knew where to find me— she didn't.

The first time I slept with another woman, three months after shit went down with Monica, my heart had hurt in the worst of ways, I felt like I was betraying it and myself. But the more I lost myself in sexual gratification the more the blow softened. It was bit by bit, gradual, until it was just a dull ache to be with another woman.

Amanda and I had an understanding, she knew where my head and heart were, she provided me with sex regardless. It wasn't the same as when I was with Monica. The sensations are entirely different but I learned to shut that part of myself off and just let myself enjoy the physical aspect.

Getting my cock sucked was just that— getting my cock sucked. Nothing more. Nothing less. No feelings or misconstrued notions of what we mean to each other. Amanda and I are friends that fuck. That's it.

There were no firsts or elephants in the room when I was with Amanda. She's no shy girl needing to be coaxed out of her shell. Amanda is sex positive and noncommittal. Just like Vikki had said, she's perfect for me, just what I need to keep my mind off Monica.

"Is everything to your liking Mr. Rearick? If not I have another property across the city that we could check out as well."

"Does it have the same flooring?"

"No, it's wood."

"Same size?"


"Nah, not interested. I'll take this."


I'd spent the last month immersing myself in putting together the parlor. I'd done all the work with Amanda helping pick out things for the design. I kept the same neon, fifties vibe I had at my other shop, especially since the name of the shop and time period aligned. It just made sense.

"Hey, what do you think about these robin egg blue tables?" Amanda twists the laptop around so I can see the screen. "I like how bright they are. I was thinking we could stencil that design you're always sketching on them. It's really pretty."

ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝔾𝕝𝕠𝕨 ➃Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz