54. Family Genetics - ✭ Monica ✭

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I sit back on the bed, cuddled in the comforters, like I have been since the three of them had arrived. The blond male, Luke, is sitting at the desk, casually drinking a gin and tonic while going over something on his laptop. He curses under his breath every now and again, penning down notes.

"Where have the other two gone?" I managed to ask, finally being able to make my mouth work for the first time after Malyssa's initial line of rapid-fire questioning two days ago.

"Mal and Den have gone to pick up your father at the airport. They'll be coming back here soon. You should probably think of something to say to your father." He turns around to face me, taking off his glasses in the process and setting them on the desk behind him. "Malyssa is going to tell him about your impromptu wedding to soften the blow. He should have the majority of his meltdown before he gets here but you know how your father is."

"I do." I gnaw the inside of my lip thinking about the shit show that's probably going to ensue when he gets here.

"Seems like that McCaslin temper didn't skip you." He gives me a keen smile as he eyes my neck. "Interesting you got involved with the Rearicks."

"Why is that interesting?"

"Because the Rearicks and our families are close. Boston and our son, Torey, are best friends." I did not know that. "Your brother's wife, Amelia, was in a romantic relationship with Boston's father." I did know that. "It's just interesting you found yourself with him completely unknowing of familial connections." He sips his drink and then taps his chin with an index finger, regarding me with a bemused look. "I've gathered that some people are just meant to be together. Sometimes it's just fate, kismet if you will."


"Boston always says that about the two of us, that it's kismet." I feel tears fall down my cheek involuntarily. "Sorry." I wipe them way quickly from my face. "I just don't understand what's happening. Who would take him? Why would they take him? I just don't get it."

"Rhoen Rearick is a powerful man, one with a lot of influence. It would seem that over the last year he's aligned himself with some not so good people. He tried to get out of that business arrangement and it backfired. You don't get out of deals with crime syndicates easily. Doesn't really work like that."

"What?" I asked incredulously. "Crime syndicates? Those don't exist anymore. That's not a thing."

He lets out a wry laugh, sitting back in his chair. "I wish that were true, but unfortunately crime and Las Vegas tend to go hand in hand. At least as far as our family goes, it does."

"You don't mean like our family as in my family, do you?" He shrugs at that. "What are you saying?"

"Your father has been involved in some things along with my partners and I. Let's just say we  know how to handle these types of situations." He said it so nonchalantly, like it was no big deal. Like he wasn't talking about mafia-esque stuff. "Rhoen is lucky that he's so close with Denver and that his son is so close with ours. He'd be in way over his head if he wasn't. Now that my wife knows Boston is also technically family because he married you... Well, they're going to feel pretty fucking stupid once they know who he is affiliated with and related to."

All this talk of crime and affiliations is starting to really wig me out, especially considering my father is involved. Not just my father either, a whole extension of our family. I blow out a deep breath when I hear a knock at the door. Luke stands up and pulls a firearm out of his suit jacket before shrugging it off.

Where the hell did that come from? Has that been on him the whole time?

He signals for me to be quiet and that's when I see a harness on him, one equipped with knives and guns. What in the actual fuck? He inches his way up to the door slowly, quietly. He grabs ahold of the door knob, opening it as he ducks into the closet. Two men rush inside, looking completely confused when not met with any resistance.

ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝔾𝕝𝕠𝕨 ➃Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα