33. Off To The Chapel - ✭ Boston ✭

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Monica had convinced me into dancing with her a few times, which was thankfully not too confusing considering we were listening to rock music. It wasn't like when we were line dancing where my long legs and clumsy feet were stumbling over one another.

One thing I didn't enjoy was how one guy kept ogling her and almost 'accidentally' bumped into her. I'd been watching him though, so when I'd moved her in time and it was me he bumped into. The guy looked like he was going to shit himself after he'd looked me up and down.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry."

"You almost knocked into my girl." Specifically her brand new piercings. "Might want to watch where you're going a little more carefully."  The guy throws his hands up and makes his way far away from us. It's actually pretty fucking comical.

"Oooo I like it when you go all big bad boyfriend." She makes her hand into a fist and shakes it at me. "Don't bump into my girl or I'll open up a big ol' can of whoop ass."

I snort out a laugh as we make our way back to our table saying, "you did not just say a big ol' can of whoop ass."

"I did. Deal with it." She fidgets with the edge of her very short skirt before taking a sip of her water. "So," she sits in her seat, "what's this gala thing for anyway?"

"It's for uhm," I run my hand through my hair and look away from her, "uhm, heart disease. It's to help fund a non-profit organization that helps children who can't afford medical treatment get the care they need."

Which is why my father wanted me there I'm sure, even though he didn't say it. It's why he wants Thompson's daughter on my arm, I'm more than aware of it, even if he thinks I'm not. He wants me to be the visual, his reason for the start of this charity event. The face of heart disease or whatever the fuck.

"Why heart disease?" I shrug, not wanting to get into it. "That's really awesome of your dad to want to help kids." I nod. "Why are you being weird about it?"

"What do you mean?" I know exactly what she means.

"You're just trying to avoid talking about it which is weird. It's unlike you."

"I just don't like big events like that. Don't like being around all those suits." I don't want you to know my malfunction. Change of topic. "I was told that your brother is going to be there with his father."

"Jamie?" I nod. "Oh! That's awesome. You'll love him! He's all fiery personality and funny too."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to meeting more of your family." Not really. I'm sure her brother will be just thrilled to know I'm the one banging his sister— his wife's ex-boyfriend's son. It's fucking weird. Also the fact that I'm going to be with another woman at said event. Probably going to go over just wonderfully.

"You say that now but just wait until you meet my other brothers. River and Ridge are insane."

"Those are your twin brothers, right?"

"Yeah, those two are fucking wild."

"How so?"

"They just are. The amount of energy they have is ridiculous. They train in mixed martial arts with my uncle, boxing with my dad, they play hockey, baseball and they still have a crapton of energy."

"Damn. My brother is the exact opposite. He has his face in books like ninety-nine percent of the time. Kid is super smart. He's going to grow up and be just like my father, I can tell." He's the exact opposite of me. "You know, come to think of it, I bet you were the same way when you were his age. You had a path and you stuck to it."

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