63. Every Single One - ✭ Monica ✭

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"The two of you still haven't popped any little ones out, I'm kind of disappointed." Vikki said around a giant mouthful of lettuce. "Figured you'd change your mind one day, Bos, but I guess not. A shame really, I so desperately wanted to be Auntie Vik."

"You look like a fucking rabbit, Vik." She rolls her eyes at Boston. "Well, chew your damn food first before you open your mouth. Plus, I think you'd be more an Uncle Vik, if you ask me."

"I resent that." She points a fork at him. "I think I'm more of an Auncle."

"They're only in their mid-twenties, they don't need the extra pressure, especially from you." Marcella elbows her in the side. "They have plenty of time to pop out a couple of adorable babies if that's what they choose to do." I can't help but snort out at that. "Well, it's true. How long have the two of you been married now?"

"Seven years." We both said in unison.

"Jesus fucking Christ, that's a long time to be married this day and age." Vikki takes a sip of her wine. "No wonder the two of you have synchronized your conversational skills. Quite cute, really."

I shrug and add, "well, we got married kind of young, so yeah, seven years have come and gone pretty fast. I know it probably seems like a long time to most people but it feels like it was just yesterday." I look over to Boston who does nothing but give me a broad smile before leaning down and bumping his nose with mine.

I love this man.

"God, the two of you are so fucking corny it's ridiculous. With your doe-eyed looks at one another and that tatted Elvis nonsense." Vikki grimaces which makes Boston screw up his face as he looks at her with a tongue hanging out. She glances over to me, ignoring him. "I don't know how you can put up with that ugly mug, truly. Elvis lookalike or not, I don't know how you do it. He's absolutely hideous."

Boston retorts, "I don't know how Marcella puts up with yours. It's in a constant state of arrogant smirks and scowling."

"Right. Well, that's because Marcella can't see it while she's sitting atop it, can she?" I drop my fork and Marcella chokes on her food. "What?" She looks around at all of us who are either choking or laughing. "It's the truth. I'm just saying I rather enjoy my face being used as her personal chair. A face full of pus—"

"Please stop." Marcella puts a hand over Vikki's and squeezes it. "I love you, but please, for the love of God, please stop talking." Vikki throws her arms up and shrugs like she doesn't know what she did wrong. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"Too right, but don't act like you don't love my vulgarity, especially in the bedroom. You quite adore my filth in that department." She gives Marcella a wicked wink that has her blushing furiously. I'd never thought there would ever be a day I'd see her blushing but Vikki made her do that frequently.

The two of them had met one weekend when we'd all driven to Nashville. Marcella had tagged along with Boston and I to check out the shop as a finished product. Vikki had made sure everything was taken care of perfectly, and when Marcella had walked in behind us, after she'd finished up a phone call outside, Vikki's eyes lit up like a fire torch.

They hit it off immediately. With Marcella's sass and Vikki's charm, you'd think the two were made for one another. Their banter alone those first couple of days was hilarious. They've been together on and off since, nearly as long as Boston and I have been together, albeit their relationship is a bit rockier than ours. They're like fire and gasoline— they burn hot, sometimes explosively so.

"I think you'd be happy to know that you may indeed be an Auncle soon." Boston admitted, which makes the entire table go quiet. Because if anyone knows Boston, it's Vikki. Marcella also knows Boston's stance on having kids, well, not having them.

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