20. I Would, But - ✭ Monica ✭

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"That's Cassiopeia." He's pointing up at the constellation. "And if you look over there," he moves his hand and my eyes follow, "that's Aries. That's my constellation."

"You're an Aries?" I roll over on the air mattress to look at him.

"Indeed I am. Born April eleventh." He rolls over just like I had done but with a furrowed brow. "How do we not know each others' birthdays yet?"

"I don't know. I suppose there's a lot of things we don't know about each other." He caresses the side of my face before pushing a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"So when is it then?"

"When is what?" I'm completely lost in his dark gaze.

"Your birthday."

"It's October thirteenth." He smiles a dazzling smile, I don't understand why he's giving it to me but it's brilliant.

"It was meant to be, Cherry." I arch a confused brow. "You're a Libra. I'm an Aries."

"And?" I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

He looks at me incredulously. "We are each others' most compatible sign."

"Oh." I shrug, knowing absolutely nothing about horoscopes.

"You wound me with your lack of excitement." He slaps a hand to his chest in mock mortification.

"I don't need a horoscope to tell me that you and I are compatible. We just are." He smirks. "What?"


"You and that word."

"Well it's true. You're my kismet. I can feel it in my boooooones." He jokes, but I can tell there's a seriousness behind it. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you joke but I know you're serious." It makes my insides do funny things.

"Ah, so you've picked up on the fact that I've fallen completely head over for you, then?"

Head over heels in love. It's only been two weeks. Stranger things have happened.

I swallow back the lump in my throat. I nod then admit, "I'm afraid I've done much of the same." His eyes search my face, but there's no joking tone to my words unlike his. "These two weeks have been some of the best in my life. When you drop me off tomorrow I don't know how—"

I'm not able to get the words out as Boston's lips claim mine. His tongue pushes deeply into my mouth and his large frame rolls on top of mine. My hands roam his taught body, pushing up his shirt. His lips leave mine as he takes the garment off then they're back on me again. I love feeling his naked skin, every muscle. Boston's hands go to the hem of my camisole, giving it a tug to imply his want. I oblige him by taking it off along with my bra off.

He stares at my breasts before growling out, "Fuck you're so beautiful." He reaches up to press a button that closes the back door. "Not even the night owls get to see you topless though. This," his eyes rake over my body as he leans on his haunches, "is all mine." My body temperature rises at his words.

"It is." I sit up and reach forward, fumbling with the button and zipper of his pants until they're undone. "And this," I reach into his pants and stroke his member, "is mine." The groan he lets out has my thighs clenching.

"For fuck's sake." He grits out between clenched teeth as he runs his hand through his hair. "You dirty girl, yes it is." He lays back on the mattress, away from me and kicks off his pants. He's never been completely naked in front of me. I mean pretty close but not entirely.

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