Chapter 8

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"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

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"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon


THEY WALKED FOR hours and Bek at one point just wanted to sleep and tuck herself into the warm sand. The sun felt so nice and warm on her dark scales that she almost fell asleep right then and there, but Horus yanked her back up and forced her to walk again.

Thoth decided he was growing tired and hitched a ride on Bek's back while Hathor and Horus trudged through the sand down below.

"Why is she with us, anyway?" Hathor asked Horus with confusion in her onyx eyes. "She is a mere mortal, who just sacrificed her flight to help you. She wouldn't do that if she didn't have to."

"Her sister died, and I said that... that I can bring her back before she reaches the final gate, but only as king," Horus said, regretfully when a slap collided with his left cheek.

"You idiot!" Hathor hissed, eyes blazing. "You know you cannot bring her sister back! The king doesn't have such power. Anubis doesn't have the power. You deceived her! She would probably die trying to break into Set's pyramid."

"She won't," Horus said, pushing away the thoughts of Bek possibly dying. "I'll make sure of it."

"What if you can't and she either dies or becomes a weak cripple?" Hathor stopped at his deadly glare.

Horus spoke threateningly. "Don't ever say that she is that weak!"

"She only came because she thought you could save her sister," Hathor snarled. "You've been blind in more ways than one." With that she stormed ahead of Horus, leaving him to his own thoughts.

Meanwhile, above in the sky, Thoth was riding on Bek's dragon form. You've really watched the world come into being? she asked, curiously.

"I don't lie." Thoth replied curtly.

Where were you watching it from if the world wasn't created yet?

"If I even attempted to explain, your brain would liquefy and spill out of your ears." Bek's green cat-like eyes widened and she looked down at the sandy desert. It was the colour of blood from a birds-eye-view.

Bek roared when they saw the temple and landed next to Horus and Hathor. The pyramid is right over that hill.

Thoth slipped off her tall frame and stood next to Hathor.

They walked and Hathor was offered by Bek to ride on her back, and she accepted gratefully. They reached the top of the hill and Horus spoke. "It's too dangerous to cross the plain. Even for flying. We'll wait for darkness."

We're running out of time! Bek slammed her tail harshly on the ground, Thoth glaring at her not to break the contraption. I say we cross now.

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