ScarlettWidow - 1

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This will be a Scarlett x Widow piece, as requested by:@keanasusiehuhu. Not sure what exactly  you wanted but I hope you like this. Posting times will vary atm because of school and work and stuff, but I will try to post at least twice a week. Please keep comments and suggestions coming in, its great to hear what you guys want, okay imma shut up now.

Warnings: Fluff

Also quite a long chapter, sorry.

Plot: Nat has just come back from a mission where she got injured and Wanda is taking care of her.

Wanda's POV

It has been nearly a week since I saw Nat and I miss her so much. I know she likes to act tough and cold around the others but when we are alone, it's like she is a different person. She is honestly so sweet and adorable and it makes me laugh every time I see her acting cute.

"Tony! Is there any word from Nat, Steve or Clint yet?" I yelled through the intercom to his lab, from where I was sat on the sofa in the main room.

"No not yet Wanda, I will let you know as soon as I hear anything!" He promised, yelling back.

I groaned internally. I hated Nat going on long missions without me, we have only been together a few weeks but it feels like a lot longer than that. 

I reached for the TV remote and put on the next episode of Vampire diaries. I walked over to the cupboards and started rifling through for a packet of popcorn. I found one and put it in the microwave to pop for two minutes. I found some chocolate sauce and some little marshmallow packets and set them on the counter. The microwave finished with a 'bing' and I placed the food into a bowl on the counter before drizzling it with chocolate and dropping a few marshmallows in there too. I walked back over to the TV and started to pay attention to the show as I sat down.

"ALERT! The Quinjet is currently landing and Steve Rogers has requested medical attention for Natasha Romanoff." F.R.I.D.A.Y boomed through the speakers, intergrated into the building main frame.

Upon hearing this I shot up from the sofa and yelled to Tony, "Get the lab ready, Nat needs medical help." Before running outside of Stark Tower, to see Nat hobbling out of the jet and waving away a nearby gurney. "Are you okay?" I asked rushing over to them. "Get Nat to the lab now, she got shot in the shoulder and in the hip." Steve said as he and Clint supported Nat. I nodded and carried Nat, bridal style, despite her claims of being able to walk. I approached the lab and Tony let me through, allowing me to place her down onto one of the medical beds. 

"What happened?" Bruce asked looking up from his computer. 

"Not sure, I only know that she got shot in the shoulder and in the hip." I said as I bit my lip nervously. "Will she be okay?" 

"Probably. Nat is strong and the bullets didn't hit anywhere near her vitals. She will need an operation and then bedrest for 3 weeks, with no missions, good nutrition, and lots of sleep." Bruce told me, before typing into one of his screens. Meanwhile Tony had been speaking to Steve and Clint about the mission. "Everything was going fine until this building on our left blew up. We went inside to help get as many people out as we could. It was a flat complex, mainly old people and kids." Clint explained. "As we got everybody out and into the street, Hydra turned up and tried to take some of the younger children, Nat protected them, taking down a few agents before she got shot. We drove the other Hydra agents away and got back as quickly as possible." Steve finished the story for him.

"She will probably be okay." I reassured them.

"I should have protected her." Steve shook his head.

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