Natasha Romanoff - 6

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Pt 2 of Natasha Romanoff- 5. 

There have been many requests for a pt 2 and a few requests for specific things to happen in the pt 2, I have tried to put in as many as I can and hope you guys like it x

Warnings: Mentions of an abusive relationship throughout all of the chapter.

Y/n's POV - 4 weeks later

Diary entry:

It has been 4 weeks since I returned from the mission injured. Since then Nat has done nothing but be nice to me. She has cooked for me nearly everyday, (Which I thought she couldn't do but, hey, I ain't complaining.) she spends a lot more time with me and is always around me, making sure that I am okay plus she is super soft when no one else is around, which I find adorable and tease her about a little.

Nat asked me to officially be her girlfriend after I had nearly completely healed, to which I, of course, said yes. 

Wanda has been a little more distant but not overly so, it is probably just missions and things keeping her busy.

Wanda's POV - 4 weeks later. (Same time as Y/n's previous diary entry.)

Diary entry:

Nat has been playing the part of the perfect, slightly over protective girlfriend perfectly and it is really annoying me. I can never get more than a minute or two alone with y/n, and when that does happen all I hear about is how amazing Nat is, and what a wonderful girlfriend Nat is, and what a great fucking chef Nat it. 

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Nat can't cook for her life and therefore it must be me who is cooking all of these meals for y/n because I know what she likes and want her to be happy. But all y/n ever fucking thinks about is her perfect angelic girlfriend and it is really starting to annoy me. 

I have carried on cooking for y/n, not like she notices. I also choose her favourite movies when it is my turn to pick on move night, and I still order her favourite snacks. I have also been avoiding her a little more, just because I cannot stand the sight of her and Nat together right now. Pietro and Steve have noticed though and they have both held me as I have broken down at the sound of them laughing together and smiling at each other.

She was really breaking my heart, and the worst part?

Y/n didn't even notice.

Y/n's POV - 8 weeks later.

Diary entry:

Nat has been acting strange in the past week or so. Work seems to be occupying most of her time and she rarely gives me a proper kiss anymore. I was confused because I thought that things were going really well between us. I tried asking her about it but she just brushed me off and said that I was being paranoid.

I have also tried asking Wanda if she has noticed any differences but recently she is never around, always volunteering to go on longer missions, she is beginning to spend less and less time at the compound which is sad because I miss having my best friend around.

Nat has also begun to swear at me a little more. Not loads but when she gets angry at me for doing something wrong, which I seem to do a lot, she will yell and swear at me. But it is okay because she will always try and apologise afterwards with a quick hug and so of course I forgive her. 

Wanda's POV - 13 weeks later ( 3 weeks after y/n's previous diary entry.)

Diary entry:

I have been on a long mission for the month. It was a simple recon mission, an ordinary level 6 agent could have done it easy but I volunteered to oversee a small team. Fury didn't question it and was actually glad that I was volunteering to help some of our newer recruits.

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