Scarlet Johanson -2

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Soulmate Au. Requested - Scarlet is uncomfortable in an interview and reader can tell. Reader hugs themself and Scarlet can feel it because of soulmate connection.

Y/n's POV

I was getting out of the car as we pulled up to the studio where the interview was taking place and I banged my head on the car door. "Ow." I muttered as I prodded the spot. I sighed, used to my usual clumsiness. I shook my head and walked inside to be met by the rest of the cast.

"Hey guys." I waved.

"Hey Y/n, what's with the head?" Lizzie asked me, pointing at the red mark.

"Just hit it on the door as I got out the car." I told them.

"Scarlet just told us she had a sore head." Mark said.

"Let's hope it isn't contagious." I joked.

They all laughed and we sat chatting until we were called to take our seats.

I had a small *Cough big * crush on Scarlet since the first avengers movie, where we worked together. She was just such a nice person, and she was nice to everyone. My favourite memories were when neither of us had a scene and I would get my guitar out and she would sing along to the tune I played on the strings. It would be just the two of us and I missed that as we were no longer at the set.


I was sat on the sofa in between  Chris Hemsworth and Brie Larson with Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany on either end. Opposite me sat Scarlet Johanson, RDJ, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo. The rest of the cast were back stage as there weren't enough seats for all of us at once. 

The interviewer was currently talking to Scarlet and so I zoned back into what was being said.

"For getting into shape for Black Widow, was there anything special you had to do in terms of diet?" I scoffed and looked down as I heard the question being directed at her.

"If I have learnt anything, it's that people are much more interested in your second question to Scarlet than anything else that comes to mind." Robert cut in, making Scarlet smile a little.

"I was just going to say that very thing, how funny." She said humourlessly. "How come you get the really interesting existential questions and I get the rabbit food questions?" She looked around. "Uhm yes, surely. You are doing lots of training and stunt work so you eat lots of things." She offered in reply.

The cast looked sympathetically at her as she sat back in her chair, annoyed at the meaningless drivel directed at her.

"Well you are Scarlet Johanson so you probably don't have the same body worries as the rest of us." The ignorant interviewer continued. "But was there a part of you that thought, 'Oh my god, that's tight?'"

"Well first of all, every woman has body worries. I mean, I - uhm I'm not exempt from that." She looked down.

"Well yes but I mean my dad likes you, my friend likes you, my boyfriend likes you. How does it feel being this-?" The interviewer continued despite the dirty looks they were getting from everyone on the panel. I shifted in my seat ever so slightly and played with my fingers at the same time Scarlet looked at her own.

"I finally got them, all generations." She raised her hands in the air mockingly. "Um I- I love my male audience." She said unconvincingly. "I have to say it is more flattering to me when I have girls that come up to me and go 'I love that movie.'" She nodded and took a sip from her water that rested by her feet.

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