Wanda Maximoff - 4

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This is a requested piece  by @RenelleJadeDizon and the reader will be going by they/them pronouns, as I was not sure what was preferred. I did the best I could and I hope you guys like it. I have set this in the battle of Wakanda, (Infinity war) but changed it so it fitted the story line better. 

Wanda's POV

We had another mission, Cap had called us into the meeting room earlier that day to discuss it. We were going to Wakanda to fight against Thanos and his army. Apparently we had some friends and allies joining us there so currently me, Nat, Vis, Cap, Sam and Banner were on the quintet flying over there.


We landed a few hours later and T'challa greeted us as we got off of the plane. Shuri and Okoye joined us and lead us off to the side whilst Cap and T'Challa spoke. We were here to protect Vis and the stone whilst also hopefully getting the other stones off of Thanos and destroying them. Dr.Strange had the time stone and so Thanos still needed two more stones.

"Bucky?" Sam asked confused.

"Oh...hi guys." Bucky said awkwardly.

"I see you have met the white wolf." T'challa said grandly as he re-entered with Cap.

"I thought you died." Cap said angrily after hugging his friend.

"So did I." Bucky laughed. "Shuri helped me with her tech and I have been living here, away from anybody I could hurt." He said as he noticed our serious faces.

"Right, well. Loving the reunion guys but could we speed it up, it is cold out here." Shuri hurried us.

We followed T'challa and Okoye into a large building where some other people waited for us. Tony and Peter stood up as they recognised us. Captain Marvel saluted us jokingly and a third figure, dressed in red nodded their head towards us. I looked at them, trying to place who they were but nobody came to mind.

"Everyone, you probably know most of who is here, although I doubt you will know Daredevil. Daredevil is an ally that we have pulled some strings to get here. Mainly they do not want half of the population of the universe wiped out." T'challa told us.

"What can you do?" Tony asked joining us.

"I have superhuman senses." They replied. Their sense of calm seemed to soothe my nervous and my heart slowed a little from the adrenaline.

"Nice to meet you." Vision offered the figure.

"And you." They replied. "I have heard a lot about the famous avengers. I am honoured to be fighting among you." They eyes flitted over us, before resting on me a few seconds longer than everyone else. 

"What's the plan?" Nat asked, drawing their attention else where. I smiled a little but focused on what was being said. 

"We will create a barrier around the city with our shield tech." T'challa stated.

"Suits of vibranium have been made for those who wish to wear them, they will better protect you against bullets and claws." Shuri told us. We nodded and I saw daredevil looking at the ground as we spoke.

"We will open a section at a time and attack whatever it is that is coming for us." T'challa finished.

"Remember, if you get hurt, hurt them back. If you get killed, walk it off." Cap said grimly.

"We really gotta work on these speeches of yours." Nat said, earning a laugh from Bucky.


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