Wanda x Natasha x Reader

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This is a requested chapter from@AvengersStories3000  and will be smut, pretty much the whole way through. If you don't like that then I suggest that you just don't read this chapter. Sorry it took me so long to get round to writing it, I am doing my requests in order of getting them, like a first come first serve basis. Hope you enjoy :)

Warnings: Smut + Fluff


I was looking forward to getting back to the compound. I had been on a mission for 3 months and I was not allowed any contact with anyone from the team, including my girlfriends. It would have compromised the mission. I hated it, but it would mean a major hit to Hydra, so I agreed to the mission. Fury set me up with money, a fake identity and a place to stay. I hated staying away from Nat and Wanda but I was excited to see them.

The jet landed out front and no one was waiting for me. I hadn't called ahead as I wanted it to be a surprise. I strolled off of the jet and walked inside. I had just a small suitcase that I trailed behind me. I stood it up and left it by the front entrance as I walked into the main room.

The group were all sat around the table playing Monopoly. I chuckled to myself as I saw Tony yell because he was loosing. Stark never liked to loose. Steve grinned as he bankrupted the billionaire, high fiving Bucky who was on his team. Nat and Wanda smiled a little and seemed to be doing okay, they had a few properties between them and a decent stack of cash. I leant against the wall just watching them enjoy each others company.  I suddenly sneezed and all heads turned swiftly to where I was stood.

"Hey." I waved a little at the group.

"Y/n?" Nat asked quietly. Wanda ran up and hugged me, nearly knocking me off of my feet. 

"I missed you." She whispered. Her doe eyes looking up at me softly.

"I missed you too babe." I replied kissing her forehead.

"When did you get back?" Nat asked as she pulled me away from Wanda, kissing me.

"About 15 minutes ago." I replied as I drew back from the kiss. "It was nice watching you all relax." I told them smiling.

"Glad to have you back." Tony said as he welcomed me back.

"Mission go okay?" Steve asked.

"Went perfectly." I told him.

"I'm glad.Well done." He congratulated me.

"Thanks Cap." I grinned. "Now excuse me but I am a bit tired so I am going to sleep." I said excusing myself from the room. The others nodded and let me leave.


Wanda's POV

I looked at my watch. "It's been nearly 3 hours." I told Nat as we watched a movie together in the main room. 

"Let's go wake her up." Nat replied, pulling me to my feet.

"Okay." I replied happily.

We walked into her room where she was sound asleep. She looked peaceful and happy. Me and Nat looked at each other. "I had an idea." I said slowly. She raised an eyebrow and I whispered my idea to her. She grinned and agreed. 

I concentrated and went inside Y/n's head.

She stirred in her sleep as she saw what I put in her head. "She's smiling." Nat observed laughing a little.

"Oh there she goes." I said as I saw Y/n gasp.

"Time to move." Nat said walking over to Y/n. She sat on the bed, straddling her and started to kiss her neck. I sat to the side of Y/n and began to pull the sleeve of her t-shirt off of her shoulder.

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