Chapter 40

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I literally cried writing this chapter just be AWARE it's very emotional❗️❗️❗️❗️

I layed in the bed as silent tears rolled down my face. I was in so much pain. It hurt to get up, it hurt to move.

Heyy are you hungry.? Malachi asked coming into the room.

I didn't answer him. I just kept staring off into space. My mind was all over the place and I felt empty inside. I felt lost.

You should eat something.! He said bending down in front of me.

I closed my eyes just hopping he would just go away.! Because I can't do this.!

Returning home without my kids and my husband......returning home to plan a funeral.....returning home to continue to live....

I got up and I just started crying.! I was so angry and powerless. I grabbed the hardest thing I could find and gathered all the strength I had into my body and threw the rock I had into my glass windows that reached from the ceilings to the floors. The glass shattered every where breaking two of the windows. I screamed so loud in pain. I walked slowly to the windows and stood in the glass looking down at the world from 200ft in the air.

Magic don't do it.! I could literally hear Martavions voice in my head and see his reflection in every piece of glass. "Don't do it.! Magic your stronger than what you believe you are.!" I fell to the ground screamingggggg and crying. This wasn't fair.!

Magic.?!!! Malachi frantic voice yelled in front of me. I was hyperventilating and screaming.
He placed me in a bear hug and grabbed me away from the windows.

Stop.! Get off of me.! Let me gooooo.! Let me go.! I screamed. "Just let me go.!!" I tried to fight my way out his grasp.

I know baby, I know.! Malike cried holding on to me as well. They held me down so tight together while everybody else watched me cry and suffer in pain.

I know baby girl.! Malike kissed my forehead stroking my hair out my face.

It's not fair.! It's not fair.! It's not fair.! Why did he have to die.?! Why he leave me.? I screamed over and over again.! "It's not fair.!" I started to  pull my hair in frustration, I couldn't breathe, my body was hot like I was on fire, every time I moved I felt like I was taking his bullets, my husband was gone.! Not only was my husband, my BESTFRIEND in this whole entire world, my protector and provider my soulmate was gone.! I was never going to see him again. I was never going to feel his touch again. I was never going to hear his voice, have a fight or argument, my kids was going to grow up without a father in their lives. I can't handle this.

Magic you have to calm down.! Mama Jackson said through her tears.

No it's not fair.! No it's not fair.! I screamed over and over again. "Why him and not me.?!" "God took my Bestfriend and my babies.!" It's not fair.!" I cried so hard over and over again.

Magic over worked herself closing her eyes as she cried she made her self pass out.........

*Magic.?! Magic.! I opened my eyes to see Martavion. He sat in front of me on the bed rubbing my hair out my face. I sat straight up and it felt so real.! It felt like it was just me and him I felt that he was at peace.

This isn't real is it.?! I asked as tears rolled down my face....

It's not real but I am here with you Magic.!


God sent me to you in this dream, for our last talk.!

I can't handle this.!

Magic your stronger than you know.! You can handle this.....only time heals.! Only time can help you get through this. This isn't goodbye, we will meet again.! Come here.! He pulled me into his lap and hugged me so tight. I could feel his warm body and beating heart.

This isn't fair Martavion.!

I know baby but God had other plans and it was my time. It will NEVER take away from the fact that I love you.! I have to thank you for loving me from the day you met me.! I have to thank you for the support you gave me. I have to thank you for always being by myside right or wrong.! Your an extraordinary gift Magic. I will always be with you, by your side every single day.! I'm always in your heart.! (He got up from the bed and walked to our dresser and grabbed a box) I was suppose to give you this once we got back home. I still wanna be able to give it to you.! (He opened the box and it was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. It was a blue diamond in the shape of a heart as the it was surrounded by the engravement words "I love you. M&M ALWAYS.!" In steal. It was so beautiful. He placed it around my neck.)
I'll always be with you Magic and my love. You can talk to me whenever you want baby day or night ima listen to you.! I'll even be sitting beside you.! I promise you but I have to go okay.!

Martavion no.! Please.! He stood to his feet pulling me up. "Please don't go.!"

I have to, we will meet again. I love you okay.?! I need you to be strong Magic.! He said as he pulled me into a hug and hugged me so tight. He kissed my forehead than my lips.

I love you, I love you for, forever.! Thank you for giving me the chance to find love and have love. Thank you for never giving up on me even when I made times hard, thank you for spoiling me even on days I was acting like a bitch.! Thank you for leaving me with 3 beautiful kids.! I'm going to be the best mom I can be to them.! Thank you Martavion.!

Your what made me, and I thank you.! I love you forever.!

I love you forever.! I wrapped my pinky around his and he wrapped his around mine and I kissed him for what was the last time. When I opened my eyes he was gone.! I sat on the floor with my legs crossed holding myself as silent tears escaped from my eyes.....

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