Chapter 3

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I was woken up by the movement in the bed next to me and the hard smell of weed. I sat up and Martavion was taking off his shirt. My clock next to me read 3:05am. "Why are you coming in so late.?!"
I asked sitting up.

I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby girl.! He pled.

Business.? I asked not really wanting to know. I layed back down and turned away from him. He tried to put his arm around me and move me closer to him but I was annoyed at this point and removed him away from me.

Magic please don't do that to me.! I need you right now.! He said sadly. I replaced his arm around me and interlocked our fingers together. He placed his head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you.!" He whispered.

Are you okay.?

I don't know.....

Wanna y'all about it.?

I almost lost my life.....this wasn't like any other time when I been shot or grazed this time was different....
I started to freak the fuck out in the inside. Martavion been shot three times and grazed like four. God has always been by his side every single time.

What happened.?

I was making one of the drops for one of the twins and I dropped it the money was good. I'm walking back to the car out the alley and a nigga with a black hoodie, dark as fuck I couldn't see shit.....he walked to my face bumping's like he knew he would get a reaction out of me, before I could finish getting my words out he pulled a gun to my head. I couldn't see his eyes, or his face or anything....I felt like this dark cloud come over me and I don't know if he punked out or what but it's like he couldn't do it. Tray and them came out the alley and seen what was happening as them niggas pulling guns out to bus at dude he ran off. If he would of pulled the trigger he would of kilt me. I feel like it was personal......

I'm so glad your safe and happy nothing happened to you. Are you okay.?

Yeah I'm ight.?!

You sure.?

Yes I just gotta watch my back even more now feel me?!

Yeah....I worry about you so much.!

Ima always be with you baby girl.!

I know but still I can't never imagine my life without you in it. You mean so much to me already and you don't even know the half MarMar.!

You can tell me all about it one day.! He kissed my cheek and I just layed there with silent tears. I think he knew I was crying because he kept holding me tighter and his embrace was so comforting.


I woke up to my alarm going off. I heard the front door slam. It was almost 8am. My mom was getting home from work. I heard soft knocks on my door.

Yesss.?! I asked cracking it a bit.

I was just making sure your up and was getting ready for work....

Yes ma'am I am.!

Okay baby girl have a good day.! She smiled before turning to walk away. "Why is Martavion car parked outside.?!" She asked before she got to her room.

Oh he bought a new car yesterday and told me to drive that one home he was gonna pick it up. My heart started jumping.

Mmmm, well it's on the wrong side of the street.

Okay thanks....

You wanna move it.?!

Yes ma'am I am right now.! I smiled closing my door. I put on some shorts and a shirt and my slides grabbing his keys out his jean pockets and running out the door to move his car. I hated how niggas sat all the way in the backseat. I ran back into the house locking the door than upstairs.

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