Chapter 44

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Can we have a girls day.? Lani asked me coming into the office trying to get my attention.

Lani I'm busy right now.! I gotta balance these books somebody stealing from me and I honestly don't understand who the fuck would try me right now.

Let Malachi or one of the guys handle it Mag.... I need my friend.!

Look I'm here for you Lani you know that...what's up.!?

Come on come take a ride with me please.!

If I say okay will you leave me alone?

Probably not but ima lie and say yes.!

I sighed and got up. I tucked my gun behind my back and grabbed my phone. "Come on.!"

Yessss.! She jumped on me hugging me with her big pregnant stomach.

Mommy.!!! Majesty cute little voice sang from the car. "Aunty Magic.!" Harmony smiled right along with her.

Hi babies.! I smiled happily as we got to the car. I kissed my daughter and my niece.

Lani kissed Malachi bye and pulled off.

Hi mommy I missed you so much.! Majesty sang hugging my neck. I haven't seen my kids really because I been here working at the trap. It's like I completely shut down and became a whole nother person. I couldn't function and I was doing shit I never in a million years would do.

I missed you to baby are you being good for mama and papa.?


Good I'm gonna have a surprise for you and your brothers okay.!?


Sit back and put y'all seat belts on.!


I pulled up to the spa. I had rented the whole entire place out for me and the girls. I know Magic been avoiding going home for over a month now. She's even avoiding her kids. I don't know what it feels like to lose my husband my BestFriend. My heart truly goes out to her because I know how broken she is.

We went into the dressing room to change into some robes. Magic went into a stall and I could hear sniffing. I peaked through the cracks. She done lost her fuckin complete mind.! I know Martavion is turning in his fuckin grave right now.

I was on fire seeing what I just saw.!

She came out the stall and her nose was bleeding. I handed her a tissue. She was embarrassed and wiped her nose. How do I bring this shit up. I wanted to why Magic.? What made you start sniffing.?

When's the last time you slept? I asked as we walked out the dressing room.

I don't know... I don't sleep.!

You need to....your eyes are blue shot red.!

Well I can't.! Every time I close my fuckin eyes I see my husband in the ground.! She said pissed off. Magic was so evil since he died. I don't know how I could help her.

The whole time on this date she seem irritated put I know she was putting on a show for Majesty to make it seem like she was happy. Everything about her showed saddens.

Bye girl.! I smiled hugging her before she got out. She kissed her sleeping daughter and than went into the trap. I drove home in complete silence. My heart was hurting for her.

What's wrong.? Malachi asked as I came in the house.

It's Magic.....she's out of control.!

Why what happened.?

I started to cry because I really feel like I lost my sister completely.! Magic has been so strong and been through so much from being stolen as a baby, molested as a child, almost commiting Suicide, being kidnapped by someone who was suppose to be her mother.! And just so much more.! And she chose now to sniff cocaine?

Talk to me baby what's going on.?

I caught Magic sniffing today.!


Bae she sniffed two lines in the bathroom stall. She's fuckin evil as hell you even said so yourself.! Everything about her just screams sadness.! She's not herself at all this isn't Magic.

Don't worry baby girl ima take care of it.!

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